Cancellation of the Proposed Dr. Kevin Randle - Michael Horn Billy Meier Debate
CEO cancels proposed broadcast debate due to unethical and
unprofessional blogs and statements by Michael Horn, North American
media representative for Swiss UFO contactee and prophet Billy Meier.
I am cancelling the proposed debate which was to air throughout our radio broadcast networks other divisions of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company.
As a professional member of the media, we do not and will not promote or condone the tabloid journalism and the disrespectful manner in which Dr. Kevin Randle has been attacked and slandered.
Whether one is a believer or a skeptic, it is this type of grandstanding and immaturity that is detrimental to the UFO community and if in fact, by his actions, Michael Horn has done more to discredit the claims of Billy Meier.
To counter the "pro" Meier show in which Michael Horn was able to present his side of the Meier story, Dr. Kevin Randle will be given the opportunity of presenting the "con" Meier side of this very controversial UFO / ET Case, along with a number of selected guests to discuss the Meier alleged UFO sightings, contact and prophecies. The shows that feature the Meier story will be featured on all our channels, affiliates, and international distributors and programmers.
Dr. Kevin Randle is a retired US Army lieutenant colonel who served combat tours as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam and an intelligence officer in Iraq. He has been studying UFOs for nearly fifty years. He has investigated some of the most famous UFO cases including the Levelland sightings and series of sightings over Washington, D.C. in 1952. He has been consulted for dozens of documentaries about UFOs and has made presentations to dozens of colleges and other organizations. He is considered one of the leading experts into the Roswell UFO crash of 1947. He had written more than 25 books about UFOs including the recently published Roswell in the 21st Century. Dr. Randle is the host of the very popular "A Different Perspective Radio Show," on the 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, a division of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company.
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Source: PRLog
The 'X' Zone Radio Show: Kevin Randle - Preview of Our Examining of The Meier UFO Case, Billy Meier and Michael Horn
Listen: youtube/RobMcConnell
Monday, September 11, 2017 at 11 PM Eastern - 2 AM Eastern

Special Guests Include Professional Investigators, Researchers, Scientists, Photo Analysts, Authors, And An Undercover Journalist Who Infiltrated And Investigated The Billy Meier Case From Inside The Meier Camp In Switzerland.
New Photographs, New Information, Witness Testimony That Is EXCLUSIVE To XZBNRADIOTV Viewers and Listeners Exclusively On www.XZBNRADIOTV.Com And Our Broadcast Affiliates.
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