Jacques Fabrice Vallée (born September 24, 1939 in Pontoise, Val-d'Oise, France) is a venture capitalist, computer scientist, author,ufologist and former astronomer currently residing in San Francisco, California.
Listen to Vallée on Meier case here...
Listen full radio show here...
Listen to Jim Dilettoso speaking on Billy Meier UFO Case here...
Michael Horn on X-Zone Radio & TV Show (June 10, 2012)
Michael Horn on X-Zone Radio & TV Show (June 10, 2012)
Listen to Part 1 & Part 2...
Source: X-Zone
Michael Horn on X-Zone Radio & TV Show (June 14, 2012)
Listen here...
Source: X-Zone
Michael Horn on X-Zone Radio & TV Show (July 3, 2012)
Listen here...
Source: X-Zone
Michael Horn on X-Zone Radio & TV Show (July 6, 2012)
Listen here...
Source: X-Zone
Note: This show is actually a re-broadcast of the show that was aired on January 2012.
Michael Horn on the Galactic History(Ohio Exopolitics, July 29, 2012)
Listen here..
Download here..
Source: Ohio Exopolitics-Paranormal
Independent Filmmaker Damon Packard's Radio Interview on his film: FOXFUR(Inspired from Billy Meier UFO Case)
The long-awaited film by mad underground auteur Damon Packard (REFLECTIONS OF EVIL) features a sweet but mentally unbalanced young woman obsessed with crystals, dolphins, Pleiadians, David Icke and Richard C. Hoagland. Soon she becomes increasingly disillusioned with New Age philosophy, in particular with the Billy Meier Pleiadian contacts, and is evicted from her room, forced into the insane outside world subject to the effects of "The Dead Zone,” where everything turns in circles and the true original experience of life no longer exists.
The Az UFO Show(Sun, December 4, 2011): Billy Meier UFO Case Still Holding Up
Source: blogtalkradio
Note: Don't listen unless you can't handle the BS made up by idiots on Meier case.
Veritas Show with Mel Fabregas(Dec 2010) - Michael Horn
Interview 1/2: Veritas Show on Youtube(5 parts, 1:11:31 min)
Interview 2/2: Disclose.tv/Mahigitam(1:10:38 min)
Prophecykeepers Radio(Tue, November 6, 2012) - Michael Horn
Listen: blogtalkradio
Steven D. Kelly and the Billy Meier Case: Ohio Exopolitics(Paranormal)
Source: FarumRadio
Michael Horn on the Billy Meier Contact Notes(Dec 9, 2012): Ohio Exopolitics
Download here..
Source: Ohio Exopolitics-Paranormal
Interview with Michael Horn(Dec 13, 2012): XcurzionFilm(bad quality)
Listen: XcurzionFilm
Interview with Michael Horn(Dec 13, 2012): Rainbow Vision Network
Yunhai speaks on Billy Meier(Nov 17, 2005) - Posture Hall (Japanese)
Listen or Download: Lagu.in
William Cooper interviews Randolph Winters on Billy Meier UFO Case (March 17, 1993)
Watch or Listen: FIGUTV
'Exposing PseudoAstronomy' interviews Michael Horn on Billy Meier UFO Case (Jan 7, 2013)
Listen: FIGUTV
Michael Horn on Billy Meier Case(Ohio Exopolitics, January 20, 2013)
Source: Ohio Exopolitics
Ohio Exopolitics(Jan 6, 2013): James Deardorff on 'Talmud Jmmanuel' - Part 1
Source: Ohio Exopolitics
Ohio Exopolitics(Feb 3, 2013): James Deardorff on 'Talmud Jmmanuel' - Part 2
Source: Ohio Exopolitics
'Daddy T' 12-track Album(August 10, 2012): Billy Meier’s Missing Left Arm
Listen to excerpts:
1. oh billy! 02:59
2. face2face (in space) 01:00
3. gatorade 01:28
4. unknown creature 01:10
5. the first time 01:02
6. kal korff 00:25
7. I want to 01:46
8. semjase 00:44
9. weirdo town 01:19
10. middle eastern pants 01:00
11. all my love is true 01:10
12. stink eye 00:32
Purchase complete album: Daddy T
Ohio Exopolitics(Feb 11, 2013): Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Report 1
Listen: Ohio Exopolitics
Brit Elders: 'Explore your Spirit' radio show with Kala(May 2011)

Listen: Disclose.tv/Mahigitam
Source: ExploreyourSpirit
Coast to Coast AM: Michael Horn(Feb 21, 2013)
According to Horn, Meier was one of the first to warn about global warming and climate change in his writings from as far back as 1951. In 1982, he described touchscreen three-dimensional technology, which he saw "when he was watching a planetary alignment from a spaceship," Horn continued. He also revealed that the Plejarans told Meier that the Fukushima disaster is much worse than people were told, and that contamination from it is quite problematic. In 1981, Meier gave information on a devastating "red meteor" that would hit between the Black Sea and the North Sea either in 2029 or 2036. Horn noted that those dates correspond with when the asteroid Apophis is due to fly by. Additionally, Meier warned of a catastrophic earthquake that would hit San Francisco at time when cars will appear rounded with sweeping windshields."
Source: CoastToCoastAM
'Swiss Radio International' journalist Bob Zanotti: Interview with Billy Meier(english, 1982)
Listen: The interview can now be heard on the website www.switzerlandinsound.com under "Interesting People" or here.
Billy Meier – UFO Contactee:
Dark Matter Radio Network (March 6, 2014): Interview with Michael Horn
"Michael Horn is the guest on this crazy appearance when every time Mr. Horn tries to answer a very direct question concerning Billy Meier his phone goes dead or his audio drops out...Jimmy Church asks him about the 1200 missing negatives throughout the show and Horn repeatedly responds with "I don't care about the missing negatives" or "it doesn't matter" about the negatives...very very funny show. Church actually loses his cool after the third disconnected phone and the evading of answering questions...then Horn starts to attack other researchers in Ufology...very very funny show."
Listen: Youtube
Source: JimmyChurch
Coast to Coast AM (March 9, 2014): Interview with Michael Horn
"In the first half of the program, guest host Rob Simone (email) welcomed Dr. Simeon Hein, director of the Institute for Resonance, for a discussion on his research into remote viewing (RV), dark energy, and planetary intelligence...
In the latter half, Michael Horn, spokesperson for UFO contactee Billy Meier, talked about the controversy that continues to swirl around the infamous case as well as messages allegedly imparted to Meier concerning the dangers facing humanity. "The Billy Meier UFO case," Horn declared, "is what the UFO cover-up is actually, really, and completely about." To that end, he lamented that the case receives little attention from the mainstream media and even 'alternative' paranormal programming which regularly cover UFO stories such as Roswell and abductions. The case is so troubling to the 'powers that be,' Horn contended, that attempts to get his new film about the case shown at Arizona State University resulted in the movie being "banned" by the Philosophy and Religion department there.
Regarding the predictions of Meier, Horn stressed that the prophecies center around warning the human race to improve our treatment of the planet. According to Horn, the ETs told Meier that they lost 43 million of their people due to misuse of atomic energy. In turn, they advised that the solution to the planet's energy needs could come from deep geothermal energy, which comes from within the Earth in the form of heat. Chillingly, Horn cited messages from the ETs to Meier which cautioned that, in our current era, natural disasters and catastrophes would occur more frequently, but will be quickly forgotten in an effort to rebuild, eerily mirroring the public reaction to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the Fukushima meltdown among other recent calamities."
Source: C2CAM
Listen: Youtube
"Michael and Scott discuss extraterrestrial contactee, Billy Meier's Amazingly accurate Prophecies and Michael Horn's New film And Did They Listen. How these must know now prophecies could impact the future of Mankind.
Michael Horn shares that recent attempts to get his new film about Meier's story and his prophecies, And Did They Listen, shown at Arizona State University resulted in the movie being "banned" by the Philosophy and Religion department there.
The Meier prophecies center around warning the human race to improve our treatment of the planet. According to Horn, the ETs told Meier that they lost 43 million of their people due to misuse of atomic energy. In turn, they advised that the solution to the planet's energy needs could come from deep geothermal energy, which comes from within the Earth in the form of heat. Chillingly, Horn cited messages from the ETs to Meier which cautioned that, in our current era, natural disasters and catastrophes would occur more frequently, but will be quickly forgotten in an effort to rebuild, eerily mirroring the public reaction to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the Fukushima meltdown among other recent calamities. Listen in for amazing insight about ET's, Billy Meier's and the planet's future according to the prophecies!! There is a deep, profound spiritual message here."
Listen/Download: MP3
Source: Far Out Radio
Night Fright Show (April 10, 2014): Interview with Michael Horn
Listen: Youtube/nightfrightshow
Everyday Connection (April 16, 2014): Lee & Brit Elders
"Leading UFO researchers and documentary film makers Lee and Brit Elders have worked on many in-depth investigations, including the Billy Meier photographs/contact case in Switzerland, and the waves of UFO sightings in Mexico which began in 1991.
The Elders were the original and primary investigators, along with Col. Wendelle Stevens (Ret.), of the extensive ET contacts and UFO photographs of Eduard "Billy" Meier. Their investigation led to a two-volume investigative report, two full-color large-format photo books, and four volumes of "contact notes" recorded by Billy Meier (all published by Wendelle Stevens).
The Elders have written two books on UFOs, and produced seven video tapes, and they have helped to produce numerous TV programs.
Brit Elders is CEO of ShirleyMacLaine.com, author, documentary filmmaker, as well as a columnist for Wellness Bound Magazine and other publications. She is also the source of the information that is available in the Cooking in the Lite section of ShirleyMacLaine.com and the hostess of Cooking in the Lite Radio.
Lee Elders was destined to be an investigator/adventurer. Born in a railroad house in Bowie, AZ, he was raised on the Apache reservation near San Carlos where his pet was a coyote and his mentor an Apache medicine man who helped forge Lee’s resolve during his Expeditions in Ecuador. Lee has an extensive background in investigation and documentary film-making and has traveled the world exploring the unknown. http://www.LeeElders.com/ ."
Listen: Blogtalkradio (Meier case starts from ~55 min)
Coast to Coast AM (April 20, 2014): Lee Elders
"Joining George Knapp, researcher and author Lee Elders discussed his hunt for treasure in the mid-1960s in the Ecuadoran Amazon, and his encounters with local shamans. It has long been reported that there were a lot of Incan treasures buried in caves and other places during the Spanish conquest, he noted. In one of his first expeditions, outside the town of Cuenca, he teamed up with some local Indians and panned for gold on the banks of a remote river named Hell.
The panning was highly successful yielding gold nuggets that filled two coffee cans, but the team got lost trying to find their way back to civilization, and one of the group members tried to sabotage them, he recounted. But a mysterious dog joined Elder's group, and helped guide them back by discovering a tree that had fallen across the river.
On a subsequent journey, he sought out a legendary treasure of emeralds called "Green Fire" which were mentioned in the last will and testament of Raphael Bollanos Mejia, a Colombian who worked for a quinine harvesting company. Meja described where a trove of priceless emeralds were hidden in the jungle, and Elder and his partner compared these details with an old Army map, and set out on an adventure to find the stones. During the expedition, they worked with Shuara shamans from the rainforest who incorporated ayahuasca-induced visions. Though ultimately they did not find the emeralds, their trip was filled with fascinating occurrences. At one site, Elders said they witnessed four balls of light, followed by four shadows moving in unison, which one of the shaman identified as jaguars. He also touched on his work in ufology, and the Billy Meier case."
Source: C2C AM
Download: Rapidshare (listen from 10:45 min of part 4)
Revolution Radio (May 25, 2014): Guest Michael Horn
1st hour: MICHAEL HORN, spokesperson for BILLY MIEIR, tells the Lessins that information given to Meier by Pleiadian (Plejaran) visitors, and published by him over 20 years ago, has proven to be true and accurate. We discussed the reincarnation process and the 52 million spirit life forms and how they move in and out of incarnations and the process called life. We discussed the Billy Meir contact phenomenon which has been ongoing for over 60 years, the true nature of existence, the cosmology of the cosmos, alien intervention in human history and genetic manipulation that created human/ET hybrids.
Listen: Youtube
Topic - UFO (May 30, 2014): Guest Michael Horn
Topic: UFO is the Internet Television Talk Show Dedicated to the Open Discussion of UFOs and UFO Related Activities. Rick welcomes Michael Horn to show to discuss his new film - And Did They Listen? which is Michael's latest film regarding the Billy Meier UFO Case. Michael also states many reasons why he feels this case is completely true....
Watch: Youtube
Far Out Radio (June 11, 2014): Guest Michael Horn

"A favorite semi-regular guest here at FarOutRadio with Scott Teeters is Michael Horn, the official U.S. Representative for UFO/Extraterrastial contactee Billy Meier. This program, Scott and Michael talk about the curious “non-relationship” MUFON (the Mutual UFO Network) has with the Billy Meier material. The group collects data about UFO sightings and related reports, but steadfastly refuses to look seriously at and consider the Meier material.
MUFON has been in existence since 1969 and many are beginning to ask how deep the organization's purpose really is as the prevailing perception is that they never seem to move past basic reporting of “lights in the sky.” Join us for another fascinating interview."
Source: Far out Radio
Download: MP3
Empower Radio (June 11, 2014): Guest Michael Horn
Download: MP3
Source: Conscious Living
Cosmic Vision News (July 26, 2014): Michael Horn & Rhal Zahi
Listen/Download: MP3 (between 59m:15s - 1h:15m:40s)
Source: CVN
Inception Radio Network(Aug 20, 2014): California MUFON interviews Michael Horn
"California MUFON Radio Highlights Michael Horn’s Presentation of the Alien Encoded Pictographs Channeled Through Billy Meier, part Deux.
Later on Wednesday, August 20th at 11 pm EDT, the genial prolocutor and voice of California MUFON Radio, Lorien Fenton, looks for savvy researcher Michael Horn to underscore the true relevance of alien communication with mankind through the works and prophecies of the controversial alien contactee Billy Meier.
MICHAEL HORN is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts (www.theyfly.com), which he has researched since 1979 (and proved to be absolutely authentic). He is the writer and producer of the new, award-winning feature length documentary, “The Silent Revolution of Truth”, as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD “The Meier Contacts – The Key To Our Future Survival”. Michael has concluded that Meier’s credibility is unequaled by any other source, past or present.
Tune in on Wednesday at 11 pm eastern as Lorien analyzes all facets of Billy’s claim and weighs the preponderance of evidence presented by Michael Horn, right here on the Inception Radio Network."
Listen: mp3
Source: IRN
Coast to Coast AM: 'Meier Prophecies' with Michael Horn (Sep 10, 2014)
In the latter half, Michael Horn, spokesperson for famed UFO contactee Billy Meier, discussed recent controversies surrounding the validity of the Meier case, as well as reviewed specific prophecies pertaining to current Russian military movements, and the exact countries involved. In 1987, Meier reportedly had 215 contacts with an ET named Quetzal, who presented the "Henoch" prophecies to him, which included one that specified that the World Trade Center would be destroyed by terrorists (though no dates were given in the prophecies). "The United States of America will be a country of total destruction. The cause of this will be manifold with her global conflicts which are continuously instigated by her and [fueled by] enormous hatred against her worldwide. As a result America will experience enormous catastrophes," he quoted from the prophecies.
Horn connected the prophecies to current events such as the Ebola epidemic, and cautioned of a yet-to-come prophecy that Russia would attack Scandinavia during a summertime period and all of Europe would be embroiled. Meier spoke of attacks on Norway, Sweden, and Finland, with eventual Russian attacks on Canada and the United States via Alaska. Canada is currently challenging Russia over resources at the Arctic, Horn noted. He also refuted various hoax charges against some of Meier's UFO photos and ET evidence.
Source: C2C AM
Download: live links or piratebay
The Crazz Files (Oct 15, 2014) - Interview with Michael Horn
"We Talk With Michael Horn About His Work Regarding The Incredible Billy Meier case. Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979. Michael is the writer/producer/director of the award-winning new film, "And Did They Listen?", as well as the co-producer of the new documentary, "as the time fulfills", which presents an abundance of ironclad, prophetically accurate scientific evidence that irrefutably authenticates the Billy Meier case. He is the writer and co-producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, "The Silent Revolution of Truth", as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD "The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future Survival"."
Listen: podOmatic
Download: mp3
The Meria Heller Show (Oct 21, 2014): Interview with Michael Horn
Meria interviews Michael Horn, American Media Representative for Billy Meier on his latest film “He Warned The People, And Did They Listen?“. Let Michael know you are a listener with”Meria” in your order and get a 2nd movie free; Who is Billy Meier? visited since he was 5 years old (77 now);humans in another star system; why suppressed? Classic UFO daytime photos/videos; 26,000 published papers; prophetically accurate information 50 yrs earlier; 22 attempts on his life;info could be destabilizing to the controllers; suicidal success for planet Earth? Henoch Prophecies; can prophecies be prevented?1951 prophecies (happened); 1958-computers, cell phones,AIDS and more. Predictions different than prophecies;ebola epidemic predicted;2 coming US civil wars? Will there be WW3? is their collusion between aliens and governments? holograms in use; climate change; HAARP’s damage;militaristic insanity;religious delusions;Plejarens; 800 yrs of difficulties? Obama; Mothers of the millennium; and much more.
Source: Meria.net
Download: mp3
Rainbow Vision Network (Oct 30, 2014): Michael Horn on Plejaren Contactee Billy Meier's Shocking Predictions
Swiss farmer Billy Meier is probably one of the most puzzling and enigmatic of extraterrestrial contactees. He has been in contact with the Plejarens, advanced extraterrestrials, for years and they have allowed Billy to accumulate a large photo and video collection of their beamships. Billy has been given astonishing predictions through the years that continue to prove accurate. Discover what Billy has been told about our times. Michael Horn joins the show to discuss his long-time friend, predictions and the spiritual teaching of the Plejarens.
SHOW TIME: 6 pm PT, 7pm MT, 8pm CT, 9pm ET.
Michael Horn has been the American Media Representative on the Billy Meier contacts for over 30 years and is the authorized representative for the book on the Meier case, And Still They Fly. He is also the writer and producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, THE SILENT REVOLUTION OF TRUTH, and he’s the writer-producer and narrator of the DVD, THE MEIER CONTACTS--The Key to Our Future Survival.
Michael Horn's website: www.TheyFly.com
Scientist talks about Billy's prediction of Russian troop movement on YouTube.
Michael Horn on X-Zone Radio & TV Show (July 3, 2012)
Listen here...
Source: X-Zone
Michael Horn on X-Zone Radio & TV Show (July 6, 2012)
Listen here...
Source: X-Zone
Note: This show is actually a re-broadcast of the show that was aired on January 2012.
Michael Horn on the Galactic History(Ohio Exopolitics, July 29, 2012)
Listen here..
Download here..
Source: Ohio Exopolitics-Paranormal
Independent Filmmaker Damon Packard's Radio Interview on his film: FOXFUR(Inspired from Billy Meier UFO Case)
The long-awaited film by mad underground auteur Damon Packard (REFLECTIONS OF EVIL) features a sweet but mentally unbalanced young woman obsessed with crystals, dolphins, Pleiadians, David Icke and Richard C. Hoagland. Soon she becomes increasingly disillusioned with New Age philosophy, in particular with the Billy Meier Pleiadian contacts, and is evicted from her room, forced into the insane outside world subject to the effects of "The Dead Zone,” where everything turns in circles and the true original experience of life no longer exists.
Listen to the radio interview on 'Radio Misterioso'..
Source: Radio Misterioso
The Az UFO Show(Sun, December 4, 2011): Billy Meier UFO Case Still Holding Up
Source: blogtalkradio
Note: Don't listen unless you can't handle the BS made up by idiots on Meier case.
Veritas Show with Mel Fabregas(Dec 2010) - Michael Horn
Interview 1/2: Veritas Show on Youtube(5 parts, 1:11:31 min)
Interview 2/2: Disclose.tv/Mahigitam(1:10:38 min)
Prophecykeepers Radio(Tue, November 6, 2012) - Michael Horn
Listen: blogtalkradio
Steven D. Kelly and the Billy Meier Case: Ohio Exopolitics(Paranormal)
Steven D Kelley Bio: Steven was born and raised in southern California. He started a career in the precision electro optics field during the advent of the laser. He rose from optics manufacturing technician to manager of quality control, engineering, and production control. During this time, Steven was advancing the state of the art of semi conductors, military systems, and massive optics. After leaving to start his own company, S.K.Industries, became involved with 3 Letter agencies working in support of Iraq vs. Iran. Sometime later, the newly formed company received a contract to build solid-state lasers for what would turn out to be an NSA operation run by Ollie North. It was a result of that experience that Steven became awake and began the process of researching the truth and getting on the path to enlightenment. After a falling out with the Ollie North gang, Steven became involved with the people working with Billy Meier and his contact with Pleadians. The purpose of this was for technical insight into information and materials provided to Billy Meier by Semjase. Steven was exposed at that time to everything about Reptoids, Greys, and even factions within the Pleadians. Steven began researching the properties of fine silver and the use of this material in the building of beamships. The association with Billy Meier and the work with fine silver caused an immediate reaction that put Steven and his family and friends, under heavy scrutiny by various alphabet groups. After growing the semiconductor laser industry in the U.S.A., S.K.Industries would introduce the LAW-17 laser aiming system, which would revolutionize laser aiming for weapons. Steven became sought after by numerous countries for information on this technology. The result was the experience of dealing with the Intelligence agencies from all over the World.
Listen: Ohio Exopolitics(Paranormal)
Michael Horn on X-Zone Radio & TV Show (Nov 13, 2012)
Source: X-Zone
Interview with Michael Horn(Nov 26, 2012) - FarumRadio (Hong kong)
Michael Horn on X-Zone Radio & TV Show (Nov 13, 2012)
Source: X-Zone
Interview with Michael Horn(Nov 26, 2012) - FarumRadio (Hong kong)
Source: FarumRadio
Michael Horn on the Billy Meier Contact Notes(Dec 9, 2012): Ohio Exopolitics
Download here..
Source: Ohio Exopolitics-Paranormal
Interview with Michael Horn(Dec 13, 2012): XcurzionFilm(bad quality)
Listen: XcurzionFilm
Interview with Michael Horn(Dec 13, 2012): Rainbow Vision Network
Yunhai speaks on Billy Meier(Nov 17, 2005) - Posture Hall (Japanese)
Listen or Download: Lagu.in
Watch or Listen: FIGUTV
Listen: FIGUTV
Source: Ohio Exopolitics
Ohio Exopolitics(Jan 6, 2013): James Deardorff on 'Talmud Jmmanuel' - Part 1
Source: Ohio Exopolitics
Ohio Exopolitics(Feb 3, 2013): James Deardorff on 'Talmud Jmmanuel' - Part 2
Source: Ohio Exopolitics
'Daddy T' 12-track Album(August 10, 2012): Billy Meier’s Missing Left Arm
Listen to excerpts:
1. oh billy! 02:59
2. face2face (in space) 01:00
3. gatorade 01:28
4. unknown creature 01:10
5. the first time 01:02
6. kal korff 00:25
7. I want to 01:46
8. semjase 00:44
9. weirdo town 01:19
10. middle eastern pants 01:00
11. all my love is true 01:10
12. stink eye 00:32
Purchase complete album: Daddy T
Ohio Exopolitics(Feb 11, 2013): Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Report 1
Listen: Ohio Exopolitics
Brit Elders: 'Explore your Spirit' radio show with Kala(May 2011)

Listen: Disclose.tv/Mahigitam
Source: ExploreyourSpirit
Coast to Coast AM: Michael Horn(Feb 21, 2013)
Listen: Youtube
Meier case starts @ 1h:16m:00s..
"In the latter half, Michael Horn, spokesperson for famed UFO contactee Billy Meier, gave updates in the case, and talked about the confirmation of messages imparted to Meier via the Plejarans (the ET species he's been in communication with). Meier, now 76 years old, had his first contacts from the ages of 5 -11, and was tutored by a male ET, who took him many places, including off-planet, Horn detailed. Meier made an intriguing pronouncement in 1982 that Earth had just narrowly avoided a planetary invasion. A planetary system with some 16 billion people was seeking new planets to occupy and had selected Earth. "The Plejarans along with two other groups they are associated with negotiated these people into another location," said Horn, who added that we are not faced with current threats from ETs, though there are three different groups here to observe us, and sometimes their spacecraft are seen in the skies.
According to Horn, Meier was one of the first to warn about global warming and climate change in his writings from as far back as 1951. In 1982, he described touchscreen three-dimensional technology, which he saw "when he was watching a planetary alignment from a spaceship," Horn continued. He also revealed that the Plejarans told Meier that the Fukushima disaster is much worse than people were told, and that contamination from it is quite problematic. In 1981, Meier gave information on a devastating "red meteor" that would hit between the Black Sea and the North Sea either in 2029 or 2036. Horn noted that those dates correspond with when the asteroid Apophis is due to fly by. Additionally, Meier warned of a catastrophic earthquake that would hit San Francisco at time when cars will appear rounded with sweeping windshields."
Source: CoastToCoastAM
'Swiss Radio International' journalist Bob Zanotti: Interview with Billy Meier(english, 1982)
Listen: The interview can now be heard on the website www.switzerlandinsound.com under "Interesting People" or here.
Billy Meier – UFO Contactee:
In the field of ufology – that is, the study of flying saucers – few enjoy the international fame of Billy Meier, a Swiss farmer who makes his home in the rural Turbental region north of Zurich.
Born in the Zurich suburb of Buelach in 1937, Eduard “Billy” Meier says he has been seeing flying saucers since 1942. Over the years he claims to have had regular personal contacts with UFOs and extraterrestrials who have visited him at short notice.
Billy Meier is a controversial figure in ufology, with groups of supports and detractors equally divided. For many, the excellent quality photographs of UFOs taken by Meier are proof of his claims. For others, his photographs and stories are a clever hoax.
Bob Zanotti has been interested in UFOs for some 50 years, and used to host a New York radio show about them and other offbeat subjects back in the 1960’s.
At the request of ufologist colleagues, Bob was able to get Billy Meier to agree to an exclusive and very rare interview in English back in 1982. It took place on Billy Meier’s farm near Turbental. Although Billy Meier has some difficulty in expressing himself in English, the interview is presented here as a unique sound document, almost in its entirety and with virtually no editing.
In this recording, Billy Meier discusses his personal background and his UFO contacts; the purpose of the extraterrestrials’ mission; the nature of true religion; and his prediction about World War Three.
For more information and photographs, direct your search engine to “Billy Meier”.
Victory Baptist Church(Feb 12, 2013): Pope/ Henoch Prophecies
Listen: Pope/Henoch Prophecies
Download: here
Source: Victory Baptist Church
Michael C. Ruppert's LifeBoat Hour(March 3, 2013): Billy Meier's Henoch Prophecies
Listen: Lifeboat hour radio show from 49:30 min(total 55:20 min)
Source: Progressive Radio Network
Michael Ruppert: Wikipedia
'Radio Amerika Now'(Jan 22, 2011): Michael Horn
Listen: Disclose.tv/Mahigitam
Source: Radio Amerika Now
Ohio Exopolitics(Mar 17, 2013): James Deardorff on 'Talmud Jmmanuel' - Part 3
Listen or Download: here
Source: Ohio Exopolitics
Also Listen: Part 1 & Part 2
Ohio Exopolitics(March 31, 2013): Michael Horn
Listen or download: Ohio Exopolitics
In this Show:
Michael Horn on the Billy's writing the OM;
The Time of Atlantis and Lemuria;
The difference between Creation and God:
The Origin of the Earth Human.
Billy Meier UFO Case(April 11, 2013) - FarumRadio (Hong kong)
Listen: Farum Radio
Billy Meier UFO Case(April 18, 2013) - FarumRadio (Hong kong)
Listen: Farum Radio
PlanetX Radio Show(April 14, 2013): Michael Horn
Listen: PlanetX
Read: PlanetX article on Billy Meier Case
Billy Meier UFO Case(April 25, 2013) - FarumRadio (Hong kong)
Listen: Farum Radio
Revolution Radio - Ravenstar's Witching Hour (April 14, 2013): Host Ms. Solaris BlueRaven interviews Mark Snider
Listen: Revolution Radio
Ohio Exo-politics host Mark Snider discusses the Billy Meier case with host Ms. Solaris BlueRaven on Ravenstar's Witching Hour. The finer details are discussed concerning Galactic history, lineage and what exactly the teachings of Billy Meier encompass.
Far Out Radio(July 21, 2013): Interview with Michael Horn
Listen: Part 1 & Part 2
Source: FaroutRadio
Far Out Radio(July 27, 2013): Interview with Michael Horn
Listen: Part 1 & Part 2
Also Listen: Far Out Radio Interviews Michael Horn on July 21, 2013
Source: Far Out Radio
Revolution Radio(August 3, 2013): Host Mark Snider on Billy Meier case
Mark discusses the Billy Meier case for the first half an hour. Kosol Ouch joins the second half an hour to discuss meditation. The last hour Steven Basset discusses the recent Citizens Hearing on Disclosure.
"Mark Snider is the host of Ohio Exopolitics Radio. He has worked in the software field for the last twenty years and he is currently employed as a senior programmer /analyst at a fortune 500 company in Columbus Ohio: Mark has a B.F.A from Miami University (Oxford OH) and a B.B.A. from the University of Cincinnati: He was a competitive body builder for years and won the following titles: 1) First place light-heavy class in Mr. Midwest in 1989: 2) Overall Winner Mr. Glass City 1989: Mark performs as a solo finger style guitarist at many venues in Central Ohio. He has recorded the following two CDs of guitar music: 1) Living Water: 2) Songs in the Night: In 2010 he started a Radio Show called Ohio Exopolitics which is currently heard in 101 countries around the world."
Source: ExoPoliticsOhio.us
Listen: Revolution Radio
Kate Valentine UFO Show(September 3, 2010): Guest Michael Horn
Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979 and proved to be absolutely authentic.
Listen: KV UFO Show
The Whole Agenda Radio Show(Feb 7, 2013): Guest Michael Horn
Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979. Along with his wife Amy, Michael is the co-producer of the new documentary "as the time fulfills", which presents an abundance of ironclad, prophetically accurate scientific evidence that irrefutably authenticates the Billy Meier case. Michael is also the writer and producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, "The Silent Revolution of Truth", as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD "The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future Survival.
Download: here
Source: The Whole Agenda Podcasts
Note: From the middle of the show, the audio didn't sync well, so please bear with it as i could not find a good version of the show.
Coast to Coast AM(Aug 15, 2013): George Noory with Guest Michael Horn
First hour guest, Michael Horn, spokesperson for UFO contactee Billy Meier, announced that a new photo analysis shows that Meier's "Wedding Cake" UFO is authentic. He also talked about how some of Meier's prophecies (given to him by his ET contacts) have proven to be accurate, like the details he published in 1976 about the planet Mercury contracting. Some of Meier's other predictions such as a Russian invasion, and a new civil war in the United States, have yet to occur, but Horn believes that we're seeing signs that these events are lining up.
Source: C2C AM
Listen from 12:20 min: C2C AM Vault
P.I.D. Radio (Nov 30, 2010): On Contactee and Prophet Billy Meier
P.I.D. - Peering Into Darkness
Listen upto 14:15 min: P.I.D. Radio
Download: here
P.I.D. Radio (Nov 29 & Dec 2, 2010): Edgar Mitchell to explore Billy Meier UFO case
DR. EDGAR Mitchell is reportedly in talks with the US representative of Billy Meieir for a first of its kind public forum with the famed UFO contactee and “prophet”. Given that Dr. Mitchell is co-founder of a leading New Age research group, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, we’re not surprised.
Listen(10:57-14:25 min & 27:10-28:56 min): Nov 29, 2010
RATHER THAN repeat ourselves tonight by doing a show and then another show, we’ve decided to just take it on the road and feature the hour we were honored to spend as guests on Raiders News Live with our friends, Tom and Nita Horn — and, of course, the “Wild Man of the Ozarks”, Joe Ardis.
Tom and company pretty much gave us free rein to discuss today’s NASA “astrobiology” discovery, the proposed Edgar Mitchell/Billy Meier forum, alien disclosure, the alleged Gulf of Aden stargate, transhumanism, pandemics, and our panoptic society. It’s a wild hour, and the high point may be Sharon’s speculation about why DARPA’s X-37B space drone has been orbiting Earth for nine months.
Listen(50:36-52:32 min): Dec 2, 2010
Also watch: Astronaut Edgar Mitchell to Explore Billy Meier UFO Case ? - Paranormal Report 44
Revolution Radio (Aug 24, 2013): Host Mark Snider
The first half an hour Mark discusses the wild fires in western United States and relates them to the Billy Meier Prophecies.
Listen: Youtube
Far Out Radio (Sep 11, 2013): New Aspects of Billy Meier Story with Michael Horn
Official American spokesperson for Billy Meier, Michael Horn, continues Billy Meier's amazing story, with new documentation and developments from this one of a kind UFO contactee. We look at these new details as well as older controversies – the controversy over the photographs, the claims of Billy’s former wife, Billy’s prophetic messages, and the guidance he’s received from his Pleiadian (also known as Plejaren) friends.
Michael Horn as the official American representative for UFO contactee, Billy Meier, shares this amazing story and all its implications. Within the UFO experience, many people have sightings, others are abducted against their will, and a few are contacted.
There are fascinating aspects to the Billy Meier story. Billy claims to have been contacted and taught by Pleiadian and Plejaren humans since the age of five. Another aspect is the existence of his astonishing photographs of the UFOs that his extraterrestrial friends use to get to Earth. And third, are the amazing prophecies and instructions Billy has received from his ETs friends.
Michael Horn has been studying the Billy Meier story since 1979 when he saw a copy of the book, “UFO… Contact From The Pleiades Volume 1.” While the message in the book was profound, the photos initially captivated Michael. This would be the beginning of a journey and a role of sharing and communicating that continues to this day for Michael. You can read all about this important Billy Meier contactee story at Michael Horn's site, theyfly.com.
Listen/Download: Part 1 & Part 2
Source: Far Out Radio
The Merseyside Skeptics Society - Be Reasonable (Episode #9, Sep 30, 2013): Michael Horn
This month on Be Reasonable we speak to American UFO researcher Michael Horn. Michael is one of the most vocal and prolific supporters of Billy Meier – the Swiss septuagenarian who claims to have been visited by aliens regularly throughout his life, and claims to have concrete evidence of their existence.
Listen/Download: Episode 9
Source: Merseyside Skeptics Society
Inception Radio Network(Oct 16, 2013): California MUFON interviews Michael Horn
California MUFON Radio Highlights Michael Horn’s Presentation of the Alien Encoded Pictographs Channeled Through Billy Meier. Later on Wednesday, October 16th at 11pm EDT, the genial prolocutor and voice of California MUFON Radio, Lorien Fenton, looks for savvy researcher Michael Horn to underscore the true relevance of alien communication with mankind through the works and…
Listen/Download: here
Source: Inception RN
Exposing PseudoAstronomy(Episode 90, Oct 21, 2013): Investigation into Billy Meier’s Alleged Foreknowledge About Jupiter & Saturn
I’ve been doing some research on and off for this episode for quite awhile and finally had enough to post it: Episode 90: “Investigation into Billy Meier’s Alleged Foreknowledge About Stuff About Jupiter and Saturn.” The shownotes for this episode are extensive with lots of references. It’s been scheduled as Episode 90 for about two months. I decided to do it because I found it an interesting scavenger hunt, despite the fact that UFO-related posts are among my least-read blog posts.
The blog entry I reference towards the end of the episode is from January: “How Astronomers Are, According to Popular Press, Constantly Discovering the Same Thing.” I recommend looking through it because it’s a good example that has nothing to do with the Meier case where even peer-reviewed, professional science papers will sometimes ignore work that has shown the same “new” thing before, and it’s a good example of how press releases can play up various “discoveries” … even if they’ve been made before.
The podcast episode also has a few notes at the end, and there’s some feedback clarifying the discussion about why oxygen isotopes are important for understanding where objects formed in the solar system.
Given what’s happened in the past when I’ve talked about Meier’s material, I’m going to reiterate my comments policy: Comments need to be on-topic, and I make the final decision of what comes through; I do not owe you an explanation if your comment is not posted, my comments policy is pretty clear. Any comment to this post needs to be specifically about this podcast episode.
If you’re going to dispute material in it, you need to provide specific references and be specific about what you are disputing. You need to be succinct. That means no lengthy essays. That means no posts with numerous links to random stuff. That means no links to videos about trees — no embedded videos period, I will remove them and I will remove posts that are simply a bunch of random links to Meier material, especially if they do not support the specific thing you are refuting / referencing. That means not debating whether trees in a video are real or models.
This episode is specifically about certain claims about Jupiter and Saturn, whether those claims/statements were true, and whether it was known or openly speculated before Meier’s writing that they were true or existed, which is what the claim is for Meier’s prophecy: “… with literally dozens of other such documented examples of Meier’s having published specific, accurate information years, and even decades, before terrestrial scientists, the case must be recognized as being authentic based on these irrefutable facts alone.” It is not the claim that this stuff was known on Earth but Meier didn’t have access to that information so he still got it from ETs — and if that’s what is going to be claimed now, then that is an unfalsifiable and unverifiable claim and is moving the goalpost.
Listen/Download: PsuedoAstro_90
Source: Exposing PseudoAstronomy podcast
Star Internet Radio (Nov 11, 2013): Analysing Billy Meier Case(audio-Chinese)
"Billy Meier in the UFO community has always been a very controversial figure. Since the mid-seventies he began to open his many years of contact with aliens photos, videos and message, even more extraterrestrial civilizations we have a very different experience. Extraterrestrial civilizations so far, yet so close to the extraterrestrial contacts; those close-up photograph of photos and videos, but also set off the genuineness of endless controversy. But Billy Meier Alien quoted messages and prophecies of the hit rate also reflect on what makes human survival is a self-destructive path, how about your opinion?" - Google translation
Note: If anyone of you know chinese, kindly share with us if there is any new information presented in the discussion.
Listen: Part 1 & Part 2
Source: StarRadio
The Hillary Raimo Show (Nov 14, 2013): Decoding The Billy Meier Material with Michael Horn
Each month Michael & Hillary will be going through specific contacts of the Billy Meier material with listeners on the airwaves. This month we start with Contact 251
To review or print out and decode along: http://theyfly.com/articles/Contact_251.htm
The Hillary Raimo Show (Oct 3, 2013): The Billy Meier Material with Michael Horn
Michael Horn has been researching the Billy Meier UFO Contacts for over 25 years and is now the authorized representative for the book on the Meier case, And Yet They Fly . Though he has long been fascinated with the amazing photos, films, and other still irreproducible physical evidence, Michael's main focus since 1988 has been on Meier's prophetically accurate scientific and world event-related information, published from 1 to more than 25 years in advance of terrestrial discovery or occurrence. Because of the abundance and impeccable accuracy of Meier's material, and the failure of professional skeptics and debunkers to duplicate any of Meier's hard evidence, Michael has concluded that Meier's credibility is unequaled by any other source, past or present.
Download: MP3
Source: Hillary Raimo Show
Far Out Radio (Nov 19, 2013): Interview with Michael Horn
Michael Horn, the official spokesperson for UFO contactee Billy Meier made a return visit this evening. Michael hadn't been with us for a few months so we caught up with current events that Billy Meier wrote about many decades ago. We touched on the topics of Fukushima, the JFK and RFK assasinations, the mentally distracting nature of modern techno life, and "free energy" that's already here and in use. It's called, geothermal and should be the dominant technology for supplying the planet with clean, always safe, never polluting, endless energy.
Download: MP3
Source: Far Out Radio
Exploring Unexplained Phenomena Radio(Dec 28, 2013): Michael Horn
Hello Folks,
Michael Horn, authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier contacts, is our guest this Saturday morning. Mr. Horn was last on the program April 30th of 2005. Billy Meier is a famous Swiss farmer who has had close personal encounter experiences with UFO’s and their occupants. Mr. Meier has taken some remarkable still photographs and video over the years, and Michael Horn will speak about some of his work in researching and authenticating the photos and video, and some of Billy Meier’s prophetic statements and how they compare to how events in history have unfolded and are unfolding.
Note: Listen from 30 minutes for interview with Michael Horn
Listen or download: EUP
Source: EUP-Radio
Paradigm Unhinged Radio (Jan 29, 2014): Michael Horn
Paradigm Unhinged is excited to announce Michael Horn will be on Paradigm Unhinged on the 29th!
Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts (www.theyfly.com), which he has researched since 1979 (and proved to be absolutely authentic).
Michael’s newest film on the Meier case, “And Did They Listen?”, has just been released. He is also the co-producer of the documentary, “as the time fulfills”, which presents an abundance of ironclad, prophetically accurate scientific evidence that irrefutably authenticates the Billy Meier case. Michael is the writer and producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, “The Silent Revolution of Truth”, as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD “The Meier Contacts – The Key To Our Future Survival”.
Michael’s very eclectic background includes: award-winning film director, film producer, prize-winning painter, designer/creator of the still popular fashion fad “fingernail art” (featured in Harper’s Bazaar magazine), award-winning songwriter, one of the first creators of digital online book publishing (ebooks), music and video producer, science researcher, national and international lecturer, frequent media guest, published writer, credentialed teacher, humorist, pioneer in commercial water purification applications (Starbucks), set designer, health care professional, creator of the Future Self interactive therapeutic video technique, volunteer work with children and seniors.
Michael’s websites
Michael’s artwork
Listen/Download: MP3
Source: PUDVictory Baptist Church(Feb 12, 2013): Pope/ Henoch Prophecies
Listen: Pope/Henoch Prophecies
Download: here
Source: Victory Baptist Church
Michael C. Ruppert's LifeBoat Hour(March 3, 2013): Billy Meier's Henoch Prophecies
Listen: Lifeboat hour radio show from 49:30 min(total 55:20 min)
Source: Progressive Radio Network
Michael Ruppert: Wikipedia
'Radio Amerika Now'(Jan 22, 2011): Michael Horn
Listen: Disclose.tv/Mahigitam
Source: Radio Amerika Now
Ohio Exopolitics(Mar 17, 2013): James Deardorff on 'Talmud Jmmanuel' - Part 3
Listen or Download: here
Source: Ohio Exopolitics
Also Listen: Part 1 & Part 2
Ohio Exopolitics(March 31, 2013): Michael Horn
Listen or download: Ohio Exopolitics
In this Show:
Michael Horn on the Billy's writing the OM;
The Time of Atlantis and Lemuria;
The difference between Creation and God:
The Origin of the Earth Human.
Billy Meier UFO Case(April 11, 2013) - FarumRadio (Hong kong)
Listen: Farum Radio
Billy Meier UFO Case(April 18, 2013) - FarumRadio (Hong kong)
Listen: Farum Radio
Listen: PlanetX
Read: PlanetX article on Billy Meier Case
Billy Meier UFO Case(April 25, 2013) - FarumRadio (Hong kong)
Listen: Farum Radio
Revolution Radio - Ravenstar's Witching Hour (April 14, 2013): Host Ms. Solaris BlueRaven interviews Mark Snider
Listen: Revolution Radio
Ohio Exo-politics host Mark Snider discusses the Billy Meier case with host Ms. Solaris BlueRaven on Ravenstar's Witching Hour. The finer details are discussed concerning Galactic history, lineage and what exactly the teachings of Billy Meier encompass.
Far Out Radio(July 21, 2013): Interview with Michael Horn
Listen: Part 1 & Part 2
Source: FaroutRadio
Far Out Radio(July 27, 2013): Interview with Michael Horn
Listen: Part 1 & Part 2
Also Listen: Far Out Radio Interviews Michael Horn on July 21, 2013
Source: Far Out Radio
Revolution Radio(August 3, 2013): Host Mark Snider on Billy Meier case
Mark discusses the Billy Meier case for the first half an hour. Kosol Ouch joins the second half an hour to discuss meditation. The last hour Steven Basset discusses the recent Citizens Hearing on Disclosure.
"Mark Snider is the host of Ohio Exopolitics Radio. He has worked in the software field for the last twenty years and he is currently employed as a senior programmer /analyst at a fortune 500 company in Columbus Ohio: Mark has a B.F.A from Miami University (Oxford OH) and a B.B.A. from the University of Cincinnati: He was a competitive body builder for years and won the following titles: 1) First place light-heavy class in Mr. Midwest in 1989: 2) Overall Winner Mr. Glass City 1989: Mark performs as a solo finger style guitarist at many venues in Central Ohio. He has recorded the following two CDs of guitar music: 1) Living Water: 2) Songs in the Night: In 2010 he started a Radio Show called Ohio Exopolitics which is currently heard in 101 countries around the world."
Source: ExoPoliticsOhio.us
Listen: Revolution Radio
Kate Valentine UFO Show(September 3, 2010): Guest Michael Horn
Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979 and proved to be absolutely authentic.
Listen: KV UFO Show
The Whole Agenda Radio Show(Feb 7, 2013): Guest Michael Horn
Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979. Along with his wife Amy, Michael is the co-producer of the new documentary "as the time fulfills", which presents an abundance of ironclad, prophetically accurate scientific evidence that irrefutably authenticates the Billy Meier case. Michael is also the writer and producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, "The Silent Revolution of Truth", as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD "The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future Survival.
Download: here
Source: The Whole Agenda Podcasts
Note: From the middle of the show, the audio didn't sync well, so please bear with it as i could not find a good version of the show.
Coast to Coast AM(Aug 15, 2013): George Noory with Guest Michael Horn
First hour guest, Michael Horn, spokesperson for UFO contactee Billy Meier, announced that a new photo analysis shows that Meier's "Wedding Cake" UFO is authentic. He also talked about how some of Meier's prophecies (given to him by his ET contacts) have proven to be accurate, like the details he published in 1976 about the planet Mercury contracting. Some of Meier's other predictions such as a Russian invasion, and a new civil war in the United States, have yet to occur, but Horn believes that we're seeing signs that these events are lining up.
Source: C2C AM
Listen from 12:20 min: C2C AM Vault
P.I.D. Radio (Nov 30, 2010): On Contactee and Prophet Billy Meier
P.I.D. - Peering Into Darkness
Listen upto 14:15 min: P.I.D. Radio
Download: here
P.I.D. Radio (Nov 29 & Dec 2, 2010): Edgar Mitchell to explore Billy Meier UFO case
DR. EDGAR Mitchell is reportedly in talks with the US representative of Billy Meieir for a first of its kind public forum with the famed UFO contactee and “prophet”. Given that Dr. Mitchell is co-founder of a leading New Age research group, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, we’re not surprised.
Listen(10:57-14:25 min & 27:10-28:56 min): Nov 29, 2010
RATHER THAN repeat ourselves tonight by doing a show and then another show, we’ve decided to just take it on the road and feature the hour we were honored to spend as guests on Raiders News Live with our friends, Tom and Nita Horn — and, of course, the “Wild Man of the Ozarks”, Joe Ardis.
Tom and company pretty much gave us free rein to discuss today’s NASA “astrobiology” discovery, the proposed Edgar Mitchell/Billy Meier forum, alien disclosure, the alleged Gulf of Aden stargate, transhumanism, pandemics, and our panoptic society. It’s a wild hour, and the high point may be Sharon’s speculation about why DARPA’s X-37B space drone has been orbiting Earth for nine months.
Listen(50:36-52:32 min): Dec 2, 2010
Also watch: Astronaut Edgar Mitchell to Explore Billy Meier UFO Case ? - Paranormal Report 44
Revolution Radio (Aug 24, 2013): Host Mark Snider
The first half an hour Mark discusses the wild fires in western United States and relates them to the Billy Meier Prophecies.
Listen: Youtube
Far Out Radio (Sep 11, 2013): New Aspects of Billy Meier Story with Michael Horn
Official American spokesperson for Billy Meier, Michael Horn, continues Billy Meier's amazing story, with new documentation and developments from this one of a kind UFO contactee. We look at these new details as well as older controversies – the controversy over the photographs, the claims of Billy’s former wife, Billy’s prophetic messages, and the guidance he’s received from his Pleiadian (also known as Plejaren) friends.
Michael Horn as the official American representative for UFO contactee, Billy Meier, shares this amazing story and all its implications. Within the UFO experience, many people have sightings, others are abducted against their will, and a few are contacted.
There are fascinating aspects to the Billy Meier story. Billy claims to have been contacted and taught by Pleiadian and Plejaren humans since the age of five. Another aspect is the existence of his astonishing photographs of the UFOs that his extraterrestrial friends use to get to Earth. And third, are the amazing prophecies and instructions Billy has received from his ETs friends.
Michael Horn has been studying the Billy Meier story since 1979 when he saw a copy of the book, “UFO… Contact From The Pleiades Volume 1.” While the message in the book was profound, the photos initially captivated Michael. This would be the beginning of a journey and a role of sharing and communicating that continues to this day for Michael. You can read all about this important Billy Meier contactee story at Michael Horn's site, theyfly.com.
Listen/Download: Part 1 & Part 2
Source: Far Out Radio
The Merseyside Skeptics Society - Be Reasonable (Episode #9, Sep 30, 2013): Michael Horn
Listen/Download: Episode 9
Source: Merseyside Skeptics Society
Inception Radio Network(Oct 16, 2013): California MUFON interviews Michael Horn
California MUFON Radio Highlights Michael Horn’s Presentation of the Alien Encoded Pictographs Channeled Through Billy Meier. Later on Wednesday, October 16th at 11pm EDT, the genial prolocutor and voice of California MUFON Radio, Lorien Fenton, looks for savvy researcher Michael Horn to underscore the true relevance of alien communication with mankind through the works and…
Listen/Download: here
Source: Inception RN
Exposing PseudoAstronomy(Episode 90, Oct 21, 2013): Investigation into Billy Meier’s Alleged Foreknowledge About Jupiter & Saturn
I’ve been doing some research on and off for this episode for quite awhile and finally had enough to post it: Episode 90: “Investigation into Billy Meier’s Alleged Foreknowledge About Stuff About Jupiter and Saturn.” The shownotes for this episode are extensive with lots of references. It’s been scheduled as Episode 90 for about two months. I decided to do it because I found it an interesting scavenger hunt, despite the fact that UFO-related posts are among my least-read blog posts.
The blog entry I reference towards the end of the episode is from January: “How Astronomers Are, According to Popular Press, Constantly Discovering the Same Thing.” I recommend looking through it because it’s a good example that has nothing to do with the Meier case where even peer-reviewed, professional science papers will sometimes ignore work that has shown the same “new” thing before, and it’s a good example of how press releases can play up various “discoveries” … even if they’ve been made before.
The podcast episode also has a few notes at the end, and there’s some feedback clarifying the discussion about why oxygen isotopes are important for understanding where objects formed in the solar system.
Given what’s happened in the past when I’ve talked about Meier’s material, I’m going to reiterate my comments policy: Comments need to be on-topic, and I make the final decision of what comes through; I do not owe you an explanation if your comment is not posted, my comments policy is pretty clear. Any comment to this post needs to be specifically about this podcast episode.
If you’re going to dispute material in it, you need to provide specific references and be specific about what you are disputing. You need to be succinct. That means no lengthy essays. That means no posts with numerous links to random stuff. That means no links to videos about trees — no embedded videos period, I will remove them and I will remove posts that are simply a bunch of random links to Meier material, especially if they do not support the specific thing you are refuting / referencing. That means not debating whether trees in a video are real or models.
This episode is specifically about certain claims about Jupiter and Saturn, whether those claims/statements were true, and whether it was known or openly speculated before Meier’s writing that they were true or existed, which is what the claim is for Meier’s prophecy: “… with literally dozens of other such documented examples of Meier’s having published specific, accurate information years, and even decades, before terrestrial scientists, the case must be recognized as being authentic based on these irrefutable facts alone.” It is not the claim that this stuff was known on Earth but Meier didn’t have access to that information so he still got it from ETs — and if that’s what is going to be claimed now, then that is an unfalsifiable and unverifiable claim and is moving the goalpost.
Listen/Download: PsuedoAstro_90
Source: Exposing PseudoAstronomy podcast
Star Internet Radio (Nov 11, 2013): Analysing Billy Meier Case(audio-Chinese)
"Billy Meier in the UFO community has always been a very controversial figure. Since the mid-seventies he began to open his many years of contact with aliens photos, videos and message, even more extraterrestrial civilizations we have a very different experience. Extraterrestrial civilizations so far, yet so close to the extraterrestrial contacts; those close-up photograph of photos and videos, but also set off the genuineness of endless controversy. But Billy Meier Alien quoted messages and prophecies of the hit rate also reflect on what makes human survival is a self-destructive path, how about your opinion?" - Google translation
Note: If anyone of you know chinese, kindly share with us if there is any new information presented in the discussion.
Listen: Part 1 & Part 2
Source: StarRadio
The Hillary Raimo Show (Nov 14, 2013): Decoding The Billy Meier Material with Michael Horn
To review or print out and decode along: http://theyfly.com/articles/Contact_251.htm
Download: MP3
Source: Hillary Raimo ShowThe Hillary Raimo Show (Oct 3, 2013): The Billy Meier Material with Michael Horn
Michael Horn has been researching the Billy Meier UFO Contacts for over 25 years and is now the authorized representative for the book on the Meier case, And Yet They Fly . Though he has long been fascinated with the amazing photos, films, and other still irreproducible physical evidence, Michael's main focus since 1988 has been on Meier's prophetically accurate scientific and world event-related information, published from 1 to more than 25 years in advance of terrestrial discovery or occurrence. Because of the abundance and impeccable accuracy of Meier's material, and the failure of professional skeptics and debunkers to duplicate any of Meier's hard evidence, Michael has concluded that Meier's credibility is unequaled by any other source, past or present.
Download: MP3
Source: Hillary Raimo Show
Far Out Radio (Nov 19, 2013): Interview with Michael Horn
Michael Horn, the official spokesperson for UFO contactee Billy Meier made a return visit this evening. Michael hadn't been with us for a few months so we caught up with current events that Billy Meier wrote about many decades ago. We touched on the topics of Fukushima, the JFK and RFK assasinations, the mentally distracting nature of modern techno life, and "free energy" that's already here and in use. It's called, geothermal and should be the dominant technology for supplying the planet with clean, always safe, never polluting, endless energy.
Download: MP3
Source: Far Out Radio
Exploring Unexplained Phenomena Radio(Dec 28, 2013): Michael Horn
Hello Folks,
Michael Horn, authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier contacts, is our guest this Saturday morning. Mr. Horn was last on the program April 30th of 2005. Billy Meier is a famous Swiss farmer who has had close personal encounter experiences with UFO’s and their occupants. Mr. Meier has taken some remarkable still photographs and video over the years, and Michael Horn will speak about some of his work in researching and authenticating the photos and video, and some of Billy Meier’s prophetic statements and how they compare to how events in history have unfolded and are unfolding.
Note: Listen from 30 minutes for interview with Michael Horn
Listen or download: EUP
Source: EUP-Radio
Paradigm Unhinged Radio (Jan 29, 2014): Michael Horn
Paradigm Unhinged is excited to announce Michael Horn will be on Paradigm Unhinged on the 29th!
Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts (www.theyfly.com), which he has researched since 1979 (and proved to be absolutely authentic).
Michael’s newest film on the Meier case, “And Did They Listen?”, has just been released. He is also the co-producer of the documentary, “as the time fulfills”, which presents an abundance of ironclad, prophetically accurate scientific evidence that irrefutably authenticates the Billy Meier case. Michael is the writer and producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, “The Silent Revolution of Truth”, as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD “The Meier Contacts – The Key To Our Future Survival”.
Michael’s very eclectic background includes: award-winning film director, film producer, prize-winning painter, designer/creator of the still popular fashion fad “fingernail art” (featured in Harper’s Bazaar magazine), award-winning songwriter, one of the first creators of digital online book publishing (ebooks), music and video producer, science researcher, national and international lecturer, frequent media guest, published writer, credentialed teacher, humorist, pioneer in commercial water purification applications (Starbucks), set designer, health care professional, creator of the Future Self interactive therapeutic video technique, volunteer work with children and seniors.
Michael’s websites
Michael’s artwork
Listen/Download: MP3
Dark Matter Radio Network (March 6, 2014): Interview with Michael Horn
"Michael Horn is the guest on this crazy appearance when every time Mr. Horn tries to answer a very direct question concerning Billy Meier his phone goes dead or his audio drops out...Jimmy Church asks him about the 1200 missing negatives throughout the show and Horn repeatedly responds with "I don't care about the missing negatives" or "it doesn't matter" about the negatives...very very funny show. Church actually loses his cool after the third disconnected phone and the evading of answering questions...then Horn starts to attack other researchers in Ufology...very very funny show."
Listen: Youtube
Source: JimmyChurch
Coast to Coast AM (March 9, 2014): Interview with Michael Horn
"In the first half of the program, guest host Rob Simone (email) welcomed Dr. Simeon Hein, director of the Institute for Resonance, for a discussion on his research into remote viewing (RV), dark energy, and planetary intelligence...
In the latter half, Michael Horn, spokesperson for UFO contactee Billy Meier, talked about the controversy that continues to swirl around the infamous case as well as messages allegedly imparted to Meier concerning the dangers facing humanity. "The Billy Meier UFO case," Horn declared, "is what the UFO cover-up is actually, really, and completely about." To that end, he lamented that the case receives little attention from the mainstream media and even 'alternative' paranormal programming which regularly cover UFO stories such as Roswell and abductions. The case is so troubling to the 'powers that be,' Horn contended, that attempts to get his new film about the case shown at Arizona State University resulted in the movie being "banned" by the Philosophy and Religion department there.
Regarding the predictions of Meier, Horn stressed that the prophecies center around warning the human race to improve our treatment of the planet. According to Horn, the ETs told Meier that they lost 43 million of their people due to misuse of atomic energy. In turn, they advised that the solution to the planet's energy needs could come from deep geothermal energy, which comes from within the Earth in the form of heat. Chillingly, Horn cited messages from the ETs to Meier which cautioned that, in our current era, natural disasters and catastrophes would occur more frequently, but will be quickly forgotten in an effort to rebuild, eerily mirroring the public reaction to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the Fukushima meltdown among other recent calamities."
Source: C2CAM
Listen: Youtube
"Michael and Scott discuss extraterrestrial contactee, Billy Meier's Amazingly accurate Prophecies and Michael Horn's New film And Did They Listen. How these must know now prophecies could impact the future of Mankind.
Michael Horn shares that recent attempts to get his new film about Meier's story and his prophecies, And Did They Listen, shown at Arizona State University resulted in the movie being "banned" by the Philosophy and Religion department there.
The Meier prophecies center around warning the human race to improve our treatment of the planet. According to Horn, the ETs told Meier that they lost 43 million of their people due to misuse of atomic energy. In turn, they advised that the solution to the planet's energy needs could come from deep geothermal energy, which comes from within the Earth in the form of heat. Chillingly, Horn cited messages from the ETs to Meier which cautioned that, in our current era, natural disasters and catastrophes would occur more frequently, but will be quickly forgotten in an effort to rebuild, eerily mirroring the public reaction to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the Fukushima meltdown among other recent calamities. Listen in for amazing insight about ET's, Billy Meier's and the planet's future according to the prophecies!! There is a deep, profound spiritual message here."
Listen/Download: MP3
Source: Far Out Radio
Night Fright Show (April 10, 2014): Interview with Michael Horn
Listen: Youtube/nightfrightshow
Everyday Connection (April 16, 2014): Lee & Brit Elders
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Brit Elders |
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Lee Elders in March 2014 |
"Leading UFO researchers and documentary film makers Lee and Brit Elders have worked on many in-depth investigations, including the Billy Meier photographs/contact case in Switzerland, and the waves of UFO sightings in Mexico which began in 1991.
The Elders were the original and primary investigators, along with Col. Wendelle Stevens (Ret.), of the extensive ET contacts and UFO photographs of Eduard "Billy" Meier. Their investigation led to a two-volume investigative report, two full-color large-format photo books, and four volumes of "contact notes" recorded by Billy Meier (all published by Wendelle Stevens).
The Elders have written two books on UFOs, and produced seven video tapes, and they have helped to produce numerous TV programs.
Brit Elders is CEO of ShirleyMacLaine.com, author, documentary filmmaker, as well as a columnist for Wellness Bound Magazine and other publications. She is also the source of the information that is available in the Cooking in the Lite section of ShirleyMacLaine.com and the hostess of Cooking in the Lite Radio.
Lee Elders was destined to be an investigator/adventurer. Born in a railroad house in Bowie, AZ, he was raised on the Apache reservation near San Carlos where his pet was a coyote and his mentor an Apache medicine man who helped forge Lee’s resolve during his Expeditions in Ecuador. Lee has an extensive background in investigation and documentary film-making and has traveled the world exploring the unknown. http://www.LeeElders.com/ ."
Listen: Blogtalkradio (Meier case starts from ~55 min)
Coast to Coast AM (April 20, 2014): Lee Elders
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Lee Elders in 1974 in Cuenca, Ecuador |
"Joining George Knapp, researcher and author Lee Elders discussed his hunt for treasure in the mid-1960s in the Ecuadoran Amazon, and his encounters with local shamans. It has long been reported that there were a lot of Incan treasures buried in caves and other places during the Spanish conquest, he noted. In one of his first expeditions, outside the town of Cuenca, he teamed up with some local Indians and panned for gold on the banks of a remote river named Hell.
The panning was highly successful yielding gold nuggets that filled two coffee cans, but the team got lost trying to find their way back to civilization, and one of the group members tried to sabotage them, he recounted. But a mysterious dog joined Elder's group, and helped guide them back by discovering a tree that had fallen across the river.
On a subsequent journey, he sought out a legendary treasure of emeralds called "Green Fire" which were mentioned in the last will and testament of Raphael Bollanos Mejia, a Colombian who worked for a quinine harvesting company. Meja described where a trove of priceless emeralds were hidden in the jungle, and Elder and his partner compared these details with an old Army map, and set out on an adventure to find the stones. During the expedition, they worked with Shuara shamans from the rainforest who incorporated ayahuasca-induced visions. Though ultimately they did not find the emeralds, their trip was filled with fascinating occurrences. At one site, Elders said they witnessed four balls of light, followed by four shadows moving in unison, which one of the shaman identified as jaguars. He also touched on his work in ufology, and the Billy Meier case."
Source: C2C AM
Download: Rapidshare (listen from 10:45 min of part 4)
Revolution Radio (May 25, 2014): Guest Michael Horn
1st hour: MICHAEL HORN, spokesperson for BILLY MIEIR, tells the Lessins that information given to Meier by Pleiadian (Plejaran) visitors, and published by him over 20 years ago, has proven to be true and accurate. We discussed the reincarnation process and the 52 million spirit life forms and how they move in and out of incarnations and the process called life. We discussed the Billy Meir contact phenomenon which has been ongoing for over 60 years, the true nature of existence, the cosmology of the cosmos, alien intervention in human history and genetic manipulation that created human/ET hybrids.
Listen: Youtube
Topic - UFO (May 30, 2014): Guest Michael Horn
Topic: UFO is the Internet Television Talk Show Dedicated to the Open Discussion of UFOs and UFO Related Activities. Rick welcomes Michael Horn to show to discuss his new film - And Did They Listen? which is Michael's latest film regarding the Billy Meier UFO Case. Michael also states many reasons why he feels this case is completely true....
Watch: Youtube
Far Out Radio (June 11, 2014): Guest Michael Horn

"A favorite semi-regular guest here at FarOutRadio with Scott Teeters is Michael Horn, the official U.S. Representative for UFO/Extraterrastial contactee Billy Meier. This program, Scott and Michael talk about the curious “non-relationship” MUFON (the Mutual UFO Network) has with the Billy Meier material. The group collects data about UFO sightings and related reports, but steadfastly refuses to look seriously at and consider the Meier material.
MUFON has been in existence since 1969 and many are beginning to ask how deep the organization's purpose really is as the prevailing perception is that they never seem to move past basic reporting of “lights in the sky.” Join us for another fascinating interview."
Source: Far out Radio
Download: MP3
Empower Radio (June 11, 2014): Guest Michael Horn

Download: MP3
Source: Conscious Living
Cosmic Vision News (July 26, 2014): Michael Horn & Rhal Zahi
Listen/Download: MP3 (between 59m:15s - 1h:15m:40s)
Source: CVN
Inception Radio Network(Aug 20, 2014): California MUFON interviews Michael Horn
"California MUFON Radio Highlights Michael Horn’s Presentation of the Alien Encoded Pictographs Channeled Through Billy Meier, part Deux.
Later on Wednesday, August 20th at 11 pm EDT, the genial prolocutor and voice of California MUFON Radio, Lorien Fenton, looks for savvy researcher Michael Horn to underscore the true relevance of alien communication with mankind through the works and prophecies of the controversial alien contactee Billy Meier.
MICHAEL HORN is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts (www.theyfly.com), which he has researched since 1979 (and proved to be absolutely authentic). He is the writer and producer of the new, award-winning feature length documentary, “The Silent Revolution of Truth”, as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD “The Meier Contacts – The Key To Our Future Survival”. Michael has concluded that Meier’s credibility is unequaled by any other source, past or present.
Tune in on Wednesday at 11 pm eastern as Lorien analyzes all facets of Billy’s claim and weighs the preponderance of evidence presented by Michael Horn, right here on the Inception Radio Network."
Listen: mp3
Source: IRN
Coast to Coast AM: 'Meier Prophecies' with Michael Horn (Sep 10, 2014)
In the latter half, Michael Horn, spokesperson for famed UFO contactee Billy Meier, discussed recent controversies surrounding the validity of the Meier case, as well as reviewed specific prophecies pertaining to current Russian military movements, and the exact countries involved. In 1987, Meier reportedly had 215 contacts with an ET named Quetzal, who presented the "Henoch" prophecies to him, which included one that specified that the World Trade Center would be destroyed by terrorists (though no dates were given in the prophecies). "The United States of America will be a country of total destruction. The cause of this will be manifold with her global conflicts which are continuously instigated by her and [fueled by] enormous hatred against her worldwide. As a result America will experience enormous catastrophes," he quoted from the prophecies.
Horn connected the prophecies to current events such as the Ebola epidemic, and cautioned of a yet-to-come prophecy that Russia would attack Scandinavia during a summertime period and all of Europe would be embroiled. Meier spoke of attacks on Norway, Sweden, and Finland, with eventual Russian attacks on Canada and the United States via Alaska. Canada is currently challenging Russia over resources at the Arctic, Horn noted. He also refuted various hoax charges against some of Meier's UFO photos and ET evidence.
Source: C2C AM
Download: live links or piratebay
The Crazz Files (Oct 15, 2014) - Interview with Michael Horn
"We Talk With Michael Horn About His Work Regarding The Incredible Billy Meier case. Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979. Michael is the writer/producer/director of the award-winning new film, "And Did They Listen?", as well as the co-producer of the new documentary, "as the time fulfills", which presents an abundance of ironclad, prophetically accurate scientific evidence that irrefutably authenticates the Billy Meier case. He is the writer and co-producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, "The Silent Revolution of Truth", as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD "The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future Survival"."
Listen: podOmatic
Download: mp3
The Meria Heller Show (Oct 21, 2014): Interview with Michael Horn
Meria interviews Michael Horn, American Media Representative for Billy Meier on his latest film “He Warned The People, And Did They Listen?“. Let Michael know you are a listener with”Meria” in your order and get a 2nd movie free; Who is Billy Meier? visited since he was 5 years old (77 now);humans in another star system; why suppressed? Classic UFO daytime photos/videos; 26,000 published papers; prophetically accurate information 50 yrs earlier; 22 attempts on his life;info could be destabilizing to the controllers; suicidal success for planet Earth? Henoch Prophecies; can prophecies be prevented?1951 prophecies (happened); 1958-computers, cell phones,AIDS and more. Predictions different than prophecies;ebola epidemic predicted;2 coming US civil wars? Will there be WW3? is their collusion between aliens and governments? holograms in use; climate change; HAARP’s damage;militaristic insanity;religious delusions;Plejarens; 800 yrs of difficulties? Obama; Mothers of the millennium; and much more.
Source: Meria.net
Download: mp3
Rainbow Vision Network (Oct 30, 2014): Michael Horn on Plejaren Contactee Billy Meier's Shocking Predictions
Swiss farmer Billy Meier is probably one of the most puzzling and enigmatic of extraterrestrial contactees. He has been in contact with the Plejarens, advanced extraterrestrials, for years and they have allowed Billy to accumulate a large photo and video collection of their beamships. Billy has been given astonishing predictions through the years that continue to prove accurate. Discover what Billy has been told about our times. Michael Horn joins the show to discuss his long-time friend, predictions and the spiritual teaching of the Plejarens.
SHOW TIME: 6 pm PT, 7pm MT, 8pm CT, 9pm ET.
Michael Horn has been the American Media Representative on the Billy Meier contacts for over 30 years and is the authorized representative for the book on the Meier case, And Still They Fly. He is also the writer and producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, THE SILENT REVOLUTION OF TRUTH, and he’s the writer-producer and narrator of the DVD, THE MEIER CONTACTS--The Key to Our Future Survival.
Michael Horn's website: www.TheyFly.com
Scientist talks about Billy's prediction of Russian troop movement on YouTube.
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Source: blogtalkradio
Simulcast Revolution Radio (Nov 9, 2014): Interview with Michael Horn
Download: MP3
Source: Blogtalk radio
Far Out Radio(Nov 17, 2014): Interview with Michael Horn
Michael Horn is back with us this evening. Michael was last with us on June 11 of this year to tell us about the odd, strained relationship between MUFON and the Billy Meir material. And you can catch all of Michael’s previous visits in the Far Out Radio YouTube Channel. Just click the graphic on the right sidebar. When you click through, look for the Playlists Tab and in there you’ll find the playlist of all of Michael’s previous Far Out Radio visits.
Michael Horn is the official American representative for, UFO contactee, Billy Meier, a man who is arguably THE most controversial figures in the world of UFOlogy. His UFO photographs are strange and compellingly beautiful. Debunkers have unsuccessfully attacked the images as fakes, using astonishingly weak arguments. The photographs were taken long before the days of easy access to computer graphics software, when UFO photos were typically fuzzy and blurry.
But many of Billy’s photos are crystal clear, making his detractors claim that the ships in the photos are “models.” That’s impressive model and darkroom photography work for a man with only one arm.
Michael Horn was nice enough to send me several Billy Meir news updates. (Story links ar below.)Another NASA engineer has come forward endorsing not only the reality of UFOs but in this case, specifically Billy Meir. On November 16, 2014 Michael published a long and detailed photo analysis of Billy Meier’s Energy Ship UFO photos. Another update details a new report from the United Nationsthat confirms what Billy Meier wrote and warned about decades ago, the irreversible – MAN-MADE, climate change. And Michael also recently wrote about the spiritual aspect of the Meier material and that the UFO part is really just the eye candy and not necessarily the main point. There’s a BIGGER message here.
Yes, LOTS going on in the world of Billy Meier and Michael Horn. You can keep up with Michael’s work atTheyFly.com. – Scott
PS – Michael Horn has a Special Offer – Two Billy Meier DVDs and two special reports. For complete offer info, CLICK HERE.
And for the FIVE DVD offer, CLICK HERE!
Here are the articles we will be referencing…
The Billy Meier Case: Now You Can Prove It For Yourself
NASA Engineer: The Billy Meier UFO Case Is Real
Skeptics Wrong Again: Billy Meier’s “Energy Ship UFO” Authentic
Too Little, Too Late But…
Slapping Ourselves Upside the Head
The WCUFO in Times Square
Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979. Michael is the writer/producer/director of the award-winning new film, "And Did They Listen?", as well as the co-producer of the new documentary, "as the time fulfills", which presents an abundance of ironclad, prophetically accurate scientific evidence that irrefutably authenticates the Billy Meier case. He is the writer and co-producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, "The Silent Revolution of Truth", as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD "The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future Survival".
Listen/Download: MP3
Peoples Internet Radio (Nov 17, 2014): Michael Horn
The Swiss farmer, Billy Meier has proved to be a controversial case for many years, yet he has survived 22 attempts on his life, and has taken footage of the craft of the Plejaren, those advanced humans with whom he has had so much contact, which up to date analysis shows are authentic and genuine. Billy says his mission here is about his prophecies, some of which have proved accurate since he began speaking of events to come since 1951. Michael Horn shares his insights and the work of this extraordinary man who has remained steadfast in maintaining the authenticity of his contacts, which has in turn brought scorn and attack. You wont find any grey areas in this interview, and you will either come away convinced that it is real or not, either way, you cannot ignore what history makes of Billy Meier's prophecies. If what he says is true, does humanity have enough time to turn things around?
Download: MP3
Source: PIR
Simulcast Revolution Radio (Nov 9, 2014): Interview with Michael Horn
Download: MP3
Source: Blogtalk radio
Far Out Radio(Nov 17, 2014): Interview with Michael Horn
Michael Horn is back with us this evening. Michael was last with us on June 11 of this year to tell us about the odd, strained relationship between MUFON and the Billy Meir material. And you can catch all of Michael’s previous visits in the Far Out Radio YouTube Channel. Just click the graphic on the right sidebar. When you click through, look for the Playlists Tab and in there you’ll find the playlist of all of Michael’s previous Far Out Radio visits.
Michael Horn is the official American representative for, UFO contactee, Billy Meier, a man who is arguably THE most controversial figures in the world of UFOlogy. His UFO photographs are strange and compellingly beautiful. Debunkers have unsuccessfully attacked the images as fakes, using astonishingly weak arguments. The photographs were taken long before the days of easy access to computer graphics software, when UFO photos were typically fuzzy and blurry.
But many of Billy’s photos are crystal clear, making his detractors claim that the ships in the photos are “models.” That’s impressive model and darkroom photography work for a man with only one arm.
Michael Horn was nice enough to send me several Billy Meir news updates. (Story links ar below.)Another NASA engineer has come forward endorsing not only the reality of UFOs but in this case, specifically Billy Meir. On November 16, 2014 Michael published a long and detailed photo analysis of Billy Meier’s Energy Ship UFO photos. Another update details a new report from the United Nationsthat confirms what Billy Meier wrote and warned about decades ago, the irreversible – MAN-MADE, climate change. And Michael also recently wrote about the spiritual aspect of the Meier material and that the UFO part is really just the eye candy and not necessarily the main point. There’s a BIGGER message here.
Yes, LOTS going on in the world of Billy Meier and Michael Horn. You can keep up with Michael’s work atTheyFly.com. – Scott
PS – Michael Horn has a Special Offer – Two Billy Meier DVDs and two special reports. For complete offer info, CLICK HERE.
And for the FIVE DVD offer, CLICK HERE!
Here are the articles we will be referencing…
The Billy Meier Case: Now You Can Prove It For Yourself
NASA Engineer: The Billy Meier UFO Case Is Real
Skeptics Wrong Again: Billy Meier’s “Energy Ship UFO” Authentic
Too Little, Too Late But…
Slapping Ourselves Upside the Head
The WCUFO in Times Square
Source: FaroutRadio
Disclosure Now Radio (Nov 22, 2014): The Billy Meier Debate Part 1 - Michael Horn
Disclosure Now Radio (Nov 22, 2014): The Billy Meier Debate Part 1 - Michael Horn
Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979. Michael is the writer/producer/director of the award-winning new film, "And Did They Listen?", as well as the co-producer of the new documentary, "as the time fulfills", which presents an abundance of ironclad, prophetically accurate scientific evidence that irrefutably authenticates the Billy Meier case. He is the writer and co-producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, "The Silent Revolution of Truth", as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD "The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future Survival".
Listen/Download: MP3
Peoples Internet Radio (Nov 17, 2014): Michael Horn
The Swiss farmer, Billy Meier has proved to be a controversial case for many years, yet he has survived 22 attempts on his life, and has taken footage of the craft of the Plejaren, those advanced humans with whom he has had so much contact, which up to date analysis shows are authentic and genuine. Billy says his mission here is about his prophecies, some of which have proved accurate since he began speaking of events to come since 1951. Michael Horn shares his insights and the work of this extraordinary man who has remained steadfast in maintaining the authenticity of his contacts, which has in turn brought scorn and attack. You wont find any grey areas in this interview, and you will either come away convinced that it is real or not, either way, you cannot ignore what history makes of Billy Meier's prophecies. If what he says is true, does humanity have enough time to turn things around?
Download: MP3
Source: PIR

This show is brought to you by The Enlightenment Evolution Network
Tonight we have Phillip Langdon on with us who has debunked and recreated all Meier photos.
Philippe Gerard Langdon. 43 years old. Educated in London University. Graduated 1998 with Mathematics degree. Currently Designing video games in spare time....
I studied UFO's, because of a dream I had about them, and a subject called Kabalah while at University during 1995. Naturally the Meier case was presented as the best case. Once I'd seen his films though I could see it was models. Then in 2009 I saw videos on youtube claiming it was all genuine so I challenged Michael Horn. He came back with a challenge to duplicate anything. So I made the WCUFO with the same lid Meier used. He then Challenged me to reproduce the Hasenbol photos. I did, perfectly using the same camera as Meier and the same-media, slides. Then I reproduced all of his films.
Facebook Page ~ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Disclosure-now/784066478324774
Donate here to help support the work ~ http://tinyurl.com/mhfyk4b
Source: blogtalkradio
Listen: Youtube
The Crazz Files (Jan 29, 2015) - Interview with Michael Horn
Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy
Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979. Michael is the
producer/director of the new Billy Meier documentary, "The Spiritual
Teaching in Everyday Life", the writer/producer/director of the
award-winning new film, "And Did They Listen?", as well as the
co-producer of the new documentary "as the time fulfills", which
presents an abundance of ironclad, prophetically accurate scientific
evidence that irrefutably authenticates the Billy Meier case. He is the
writer and co-producer of the award-winning feature length documentary,
"The Silent Revolution of Truth", as well as the writer, producer and
narrator of the DVD "The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future
Download: MP3
Source: podomatic
X-Zone Radio & TV Show (Feb 12, 2015): Interview with Michael Horn
Listen: youtube
Far Out Radio (Feb 22, 2015): 'The spiritual side of the Billy Meier case' by Michael Horn
Listen: youtube
The 'X' Zone TV Show with Rob McConnell - Tonight (March 9, 2015): Michael Horn
The Crazz Files (Jan 29, 2015) - Interview with Michael Horn
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Source: podomatic
X-Zone Radio & TV Show (Feb 12, 2015): Interview with Michael Horn
Listen: youtube
Far Out Radio (Feb 22, 2015): 'The spiritual side of the Billy Meier case' by Michael Horn
Listen: youtube
The 'X' Zone TV Show with Rob McConnell - Tonight (March 9, 2015): Michael Horn
Listen: podbean
More: the bevcollins show
The What Cast (March 16, 2015): Interview with Michael Horn
Hey there everyone. It's Monday and we got our website working again just in time to bring this show to you. This week we had Michael Horn, the American representative to contactee Billy Meier, come on. We talked about the Billy Meier case, disinfo, "alien" abductions, and a whole lot of other subjects. We hope you enjoy!
Listen: stitcher.com (itunes here)
The Conspiracy Show (March 22, 2015): Richard Syrett interviews Michael Horn
Richard welcomes a award-winning film director, prize-winning painter, award-winning songwriter, science researcher, national and international lecturer who is on a mission to bring the most important story in human history and reveal long held secrets to the people of Earth.
GUEST: MICHAEL HORN is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979. Michael is the producer/director of the new Billy Meier documentary.
"The Spiritual Teaching in Everyday Life", the writer/producer/director of the award-winning new film, "And Did They Listen?", as well as the co-producer of the new documentary "as the time fulfills", which presents an abundance of ironclad, prophetically accurate scientific evidence that irrefutably authenticates the Billy Meier case. He is the writer and co-producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, "The Silent Revolution of Truth", as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD "The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future Survival."
Watch: youtube
The Kevin Cook Show (March 24, 2015): Interview with Michael Horn
Download: mp3
California MUFON Radio (March 25, 2015) : Interview with Michael Horn

Watch: youtube
Gnostic Warrior (April 8, 2015): 'The UFO Cover Up and Billy Meier Case' with Michael Horn
In this episode of the Gnostic Warrior Radio Show, I interview writer, producer and award-winning director, Michael Horn. He is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979.
"Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (born February 3, 1937) is a citizen of Switzerland who is the source of many controversial alleged UFO photographs which he presents in support of his claim that he is in contact with extraterrestrials.
In addition, he has also presented other controversial material during the 1970s such as metal samples, sound recordings and film-footage. Meier reports regular contacts with extraterrestrials he calls the Plejaren. Meier claims that the Plejaren look similar in appearance to humans, that the Plejaren homeworld is called Erra, and that is located in a dimension which is a fraction of a second shifted from our own dimension, about 80 light years beyond the Pleiades, an open star cluster. The Plejaren were given the name Pleiadians by Meier up to 1995.(wikipedia)
Michael Horn says, "So many of the prophecies and predictions written by, Swiss UFO contactee Billy Meier, and/or given to him by the Plejaren extraterrestrial/alien human beings, have come true that we'd be wise to heed the warning that terrible things will befall humanity and our planet if we don't correct our errors and learn to live together in peace, love, freedom and harmony.
Meier published advance warning of the US attack on Iraq, the increase in Islamic terrorism to follow, the appearance of SARS, the spread of "mad cow disease", the renewed public concern over chemical warfare, and the near accident at the nuclear power plant near Lyon, France (which occurred in August 2003).
All of this information and more from the 251st Contact was also published in Guido Moosbrugger's book, And Yet They Fly!, in September 2001—well before any of the foretold events occurred. Combine this unprecedented evidence and all of the following with the still irreproducible, scientifically authenticated physical evidence, and you may understand why this remarkable one-armed man, who has been the target of 21 documented assassination attempts, stands at the centre of the most important story in all of human history."
This interview was completed by Moe on April 7, 2015 from San Diego County, California, with Michael in Northern Arizona.
Download: mp3
Source: Gnostic Warrior
Note: Michael Horn's 'As the time fulfills' documentary is now free to watch on youtube.
Unknown Origins Radio (May 7, 2015) - Interview with Michael Horn
Listen: in new window
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Source: UOR
Late Night in the Midlands (May 12, 2015) - Interview with Michael Horn
Michael Horn joins Michael Vara to discuss Billy Meier and his UFO experiences, alien contacts, prophecies and more.
His picture gallery can be found at his website.
The prophecies of Billy Meier can be found at his website They Fly.
Michael Horn spoke about the prophecies given to Billy Meier that have come true and that are soon to come true.
Michael Horn spoke of a large earthquake that Billy Meier seen with his own eyes when ET or an advanced human race took him a head in time in which case he mentioned the time period this event would take place, not a date but a time. Billy said the cars at that time did not look like the cars of his time, he said the cars were more round and get this !! most had no rear view mirrors. Guess what ? that time has come as you know, cars are now being designed with no mirror but with a camera and screen to see behind you. “enjoy”
Listen: new window or youtube
Download: MP3
Source: LNM
Paranormal Plus Club (May 27, 2015): 'A discussion of the Billy Meier case' with Michael Horn
Listen: mp3
Source: Jim Harold
X-Zone Radio Show (June 1, 2015): Interview with Michael Horn
Listen: youtube
FreemanTV Radio show (June 13, 2015): Interview with Michael Horn
Download: here
Source: Freemantv
The Generation Why Podcast - Episode 135, July 31, 2015
The Strange Case of Billy Meier. At 5 years of age it is said that Eduard first met an extraterrestrial human. It would be just the start. Contact with others beyond our Earth would continue for decades. He would go on to be considered a prophet, an author, a cult figure, a space traveler, & even a time traveler. Armed with videos of flying saucers, photos of aliens, planets, dinosaurs, & cavemen, he would claim to know where we were headed and what we should be doing to avert impending disaster. Is there something to his stories? Have his prophecies and predictions come true? Does he have irrefutable evidence of space women & of other worlds? Why have there been so many attempts on his life? Will the world ever listen to him?
Download: mp3
Source: TGY
The Crazz Files (Aug 4, 2015) - Interview with Michael Horn
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Source: TCF
The Generation Why Podcast (Episode 138, Aug 20, 2015) - Interview with Mahesh Karumudi from Billy Meier UFO Research (BMUFOR)
"Billy Meier Research. Mahesh Karumudi, from India, is an independent researcher who has done extensive investigation into the Billy Meier contacts case. He discusses his initial interest in Meier and his subsequent quest for verification of his many claims. He explains his findings on Meier’s claims of space images purported to be taken from spacecraft, predictions on the age and manner of death of the iceman known as Otzi, and more. This is a followup to Episode #135 so if you haven’t listened to that episode yet, I urge you to do so.
Prediction on Ice man Otzi - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Fact vs Fiction
Apollo-Soyuz et al. space pictures - BMUFOR
Play in a new window: here
Download: mp3
Source: TGW
Late Night in the Midlands (Aug 26, 2015) - Interview with Michael Horn
Play/Download: mp3
Source: LNM
Show background: Mahesh rebutts Michael Horn
The Unbelievable Podcast (Episode 132, Aug 4, 2015): The Plejarens Exposed!
In 1942 Billy Meier started getting contacted by aliens from the planet Erra. Soon after that they took him on their ship and told him he was Jesus and he had to save humanity. But what does this have to do with Jimmy Carter? And how much money does it cost to be Billy’s friend? And why is he so nervous about coffee? Plus the votes are in, the t-shirts are narrowed down and we mourn the loss of Rowdiest man to ever live.
Download: mp3
Source: TUP
The 'X' Zone Radio Show (Sep 30, 2015): Stanton Friedman and Michael Horn discuss the Billy Meier UFO case
About Michael Horn:
Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979. Michael is the producer/director of the new Billy Meier documentary, "The Spiritual Teaching in Everyday Life", the writer/producer/director of the award-winning new film, "And Did They Listen?", as well as the co-producer of the new documentary "as the time fulfills", which presents an abundance of ironclad, prophetically accurate scientific evidence that irrefutably authenticates the Billy Meier case. He is the writer and co-producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, "The Silent Revolution of Truth", as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD "The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future Survival" - www.theyfly.com
Nuclear Physicist-Lecturer Stanton T. Friedman received his BSc. and MSc. Degrees in physics from the University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956. He was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist by such companies as GE, GM, Westinghouse, TRW Systems, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas working in such highly advanced, classified, eventually cancelled programs as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and various compact nuclear powerplants for space and terrestrial applications. He became interested in UFOs in 1958, and since 1967 has lectured about them at more than 600 colleges and 100 professional groups in 50 U.S. states, 10 Canadian provinces and 18 other countries in addition to various nuclear consulting efforts. He has published more than 90 UFO papers and has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs including on Larry King in 2007 and twice in 2008, and many documentaries. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident and co-authored Crash at Corona: The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident. TOP SECRET/MAJIC, his controversial book about the Majestic 12 group, established in 1947 to deal with alien technology, was published in 1996 and went through 6 printings. An expanded new edition was published in 2005. Stan was presented with a Lifetime UFO Achievement Award in Leeds, England, in 2002, by UFO Magazine of the UK. He is co-author with Kathleen Marden (Betty Hill’s niece) of a book in 2007: Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience. The City of Fredericton, New Brunswick, declared August 27, 2007, Stanton Friedman Day. His book Flying Saucers and Science was published in June 2008 and is in its 3rd printing. His newest book, also co-authored with Kathleen Marden, is Science Was Wrong released in June 2010. He has provided written testimony to Congressional Hearings, appeared twice at the UN, and been a pioneer in many aspects of ufology including Roswell, Majestic 12, The Betty Hill-Marjorie Fish star map work, analysis of the Delphos, Kansas, physical trace case, crashed saucers, flying saucer technology, and challenges to the S.E.T.I. (Silly Effort To Investigate) cultists. He has spoken at more MUFON Symposia than anyone else. Stanton T. Friedman is a dual citizen of the USA and Canada. - www.stantonfriedman.com
Listen: Part 1 and Part 2
Revolution Radio (Oct 14, 2015): Interview with Michael Horn
Download: mp3
Listen: expandingtheheart
The What Cast (Oct 28, 2015): Interview with Michael Horn
This week we welcome Michael Horn back to the show to discuss the Billy Meier contactee case. This time around we discussed Michael's debate with Stanton Friedman, as well as prophecies put forth by Billy Meier from his contact with extraterrestrials.
Download: mp3
Source: The What Cast
Truth, Medicine and Politics (Nov 7, 2015): Interview with Michael Horn
Listen: mp3
Source: kabc.com
The 'X' Zone Radio Show (Nov 11, 2015): Stanton Friedman and Michael Horn discuss the Billy Meier UFO case, for second time
Listen: Part 1 and Part 2
For the first discussion: here
Another Xzone video interview with Michael Horn: youtube
Note: My rebuttal to this show will be published by tomorrow.
The Skeptic's Guide To The Universe (Nov 21, 2015) - Did Billy Meier predict Paris terrorist attacks?
Listen: mp3 (between 41:35 and 47:00 min.)
Source: SGU
Also read the SGU article: Billy Meier Did Not Predict The Paris Terrorist Attacks (Nov 17, 2015)
For more: on Meier's Paris "predictions," read my rebuttal here.
Coast To Coast AM (November 23, 2015): Michael Horn on Billy Meier Prophecies
In the latter half, Michael Horn, spokesperson for UFO contactee Billy Meier, reported that Meier began making prophecies as far back as 1958, and some of them uncannily resonate with the recent events in France. Meier originally wrote the prophecies in various letters, and said they came to him from information via his contacts, human extraterrestrials know as the Plejarens (view UFO photos), as well as his own insights. Horn claims Meier went into great detail, stating "France will not only be invaded by the aggressors from the outside but will also be conquered from within as a result of collaborative forces."
In a 1958 letter, Meier wrote "And it will be that fanatical Islamists carry out a bloody revenge on the distant descendants of the Christians for their earlier crusades, when they accomplish their deadly and destructive acts through irrepressible terror all over the world." In a meeting with the now 78-year-old Meier in Switzerland earlier this year, he warned Horn that ISIS is a far worse threat than al-Qaeda, and unless countries mobilize a military force of at least 300,000 troops to defeat them, civilization could be sent back to the Dark Ages. Horn added that Meier foretold such things in his various letters as the two US wars with Iraq, AIDS, and the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Source: C2CAM
Listen: youtube (Meier case starts at around 1 hr:15 min)
For my rebuttal to Meier's Paris "predictions," read here.
Late Night in the Midlands (Feb. 10, 2016): Interview with Michael Horn
Listen: youtube
'Expanding into Consciousness' and 'Real Astrology' interviews Vivienne Legg and Michael Horn
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Rodrigo Soto |
Listen to Vivienne Frances Legg, FIGU passive member of Australia FIGU LandesGruppe, being interviewed on February 3, 2016 by Rodrigo Soto of 'Expanding into Consciousness.'
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Matthew Deagle |
Also listen to Michael Horn being interviewed on March 14, 2016 by Matthew Deagle, a long time Billy Meier supporter, and a self-proclaimed "expert in astrology, numerology and symbolism."
'More Talk' and 'Real Astrology': Michael Horn
Watch: youtube/MoreTalk
Matthew Deagle is a long time Billy Meier supporter, and a self-proclaimed "expert in astrology, numerology and symbolism."
Listen: March 18, March 25 and April 8, 2016
May 19, 2016: The Unexplained (May 15, 2016): Interview with Michael Horn
July 4, 2016: Revolution Radio (July 3, 2016) - Host Rodrigo Soto interviews Vivienne Legg
July 6, 2016: Coast to Coast AM (July 4, 2016): George Noory interviews Michael Horn on Billy Meier's Prophecies
July 14, 2016: Beyond Reality Radio (July 9, 2016): Interview with Michael Horn
July 23, 2016: The Meria Heller Show (July 20, 2016): Interview with Michael Horn
August 5, 2016: Late Night in the Midlands (August 2, 2016): Interview with Michael Horn
September 8, 2016: The Last Podcast on the Left (September 7, 2016) - Billy Meier: Alien Collaborator
September 14, 2016: KVMR Radio (September 12, 2016): 'Earth Mysteries' Interviews Michael Horn
October 17, 2016: Mysterious Radio (October 16, 2016) - Interview with Michael Horn
October 30, 2016: Fade to Black (October 19, 2016): Host Jimmy Church on why Billy Meier UFO Case is a Hoax
November 9, 2016: Books 4 A Better Life (November 7, 2016): Interview with Michael Horn
November 21, 2016: THE JOHN & HEIDI SHOW (Nov. 9) and END OF DAYS (Nov. 12, 2016) - Interviews with Michael Horn
December 2, 2016: The Sharón Lynn Wyeth Show (December 1, 2016): Interview with Michael Horn
December 4, 2016: Out of this World (December 2, 2016): Interview with Michael Horn
December 25, 2016: Voices From Afar (December 20, 2016): Interview with Michael Horn
January 16, 2017: Wiegands Files (January 15, 2017): Interview with Michael Horn
January 25: Wiegands Files and Veritas Radio (January 2017): Interviews with Michael Horn
February 10: Dave and Issac Podcast (February 4, 2017): "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
February 13: Midnight Scario Podcast (February 7, 2017): Episode 6 - "Billy, can you hear me?"
Feb. 14 - Magical Mystery Media (Feb. 9, 2017): Podcast 54 - CONTACT? The Strange Case of Eduard “Billy” Meier
Mar. 2- The X-Zone Radio Show (Fewb. 28, 2017) :Michael Horn on Billy Meier's Prophecies on President Trump and the USA
Mar. 23 - Paranormal StakeOut (March 22, 2017): Interview with Michael Horn
Apr. 1 - Ohio Exopolitics Radio (March 31, 2017): Interview with Michael Horn
Apr. 12 - Beacon of Light Radio / The Universal Consciousness Show (April 10, 2017): Interview with Michael Horn
May 15 - End of Days (May 14, 2017): Interview with Michael Horn
July 4 - Planet Inside (July 2, 2017): Interview with Michael Horn
July 18 - 'End of Days' (July 16) and 'The X-Zone Broadcast Network' (July 17) - Interviews with Michael Horn (2017)
Aug. 9 - Dr. Kevin Randle and Michael Horn's Billy Meier Debate Fiasco and Upcoming Exposé
Aug. 19 - X-Zone Radio Show (Aug. 18, 2017): Interview with Kal Korff - 'Exposing Billy Meier'
Sep. 13 - The Divine Truth' on Revolution Radio (Sep. 10, 2017): Taj & Nyssa interviews Michael Horn
Oct. 12 - Midnight Scario (Episode 39; Oct. 11, 2017): 'Billy, can you hear me?'
Oct. 20 - The BS Podcast Network (Episode 140; Oct. 19, 2017): Billy Meier
Nov. 3 - A Different Perspective (Nov. 1, 2017): Host Kevin Randle with Derek Bartholomaus on Billy Meier Hoax
Nov. 16 - A Different Perspective (Nov. 15, 2017): Host Kevin Randle interviews Michael Horn
Nov. 21 - End of Days (Ep. 73, Nov. 20, 2017): Interview with Michael Horn
Nov. 26 - The Other Side of Midnight (Nov. 25, 2017) - Richard Hoagland interviews Michael Horn
Jan. 21, 2018 - Flying Saucer Radio (Ep. #4, Jan. 20, 2018): Interview with Michael Horn
Feb. 14, 2018: LOPvox LIVE (Feb. 12, 2018): Host "The Ghost Scientist" interviews Michael Horn
Feb. 21, 2018: Fight for our Freedom Radio (Ep. 364, Feb. 16, 2018): Interviews Michael Horn
Feb. 22, 2018: The X-Zone Radio Show (Feb. 22, 2018): Kal Korff on the Billy Meier UFO Case
Mar. 24, 2018: Flying Saucer Radio (Ep. #4, Part 2, Mar. 22, 2018): Interview with Michael Horn
Apr. 19, 2018: X-Zone Radio Show (Apr. 17, 2018): Guest Kal Korff recalls his debate with Jim Dilettoso on Art Bell Radio Show from March 18, 1998
May 20, 2018: End of Days (Episode 103, May 19, 2018): Billy Meier Prophecies & Predictions, Q Anon, Political Follies
June 28, 2018: Flight 1080 (June 25, 2018): Host Dave Michaels Interviews Michael Horn
July 20, 2018: The Paranormal Code (Episode 115, July 20, 2018): Michael Horn, The Billy Meier Chronicles
Nov. 26, 2018: Dr J Radio Live (Nov. 25, 2018): Interview with Michael Horn
Nov. 27, 2018: Universal Consciousness Show (Nov. 23, 2018): Interview with Michael Horn
Mar. 10, 2019: Fight for our Freedom Radio (Ep. 187, Mar. 9, 2019): Host BadBaby & Michael Horn on Billy Meier & Pleiadians
Apr. 11, 2019: Rogue Planet (April 8, 2019): The Bizarre Case of Alleged UFO Contactee Billy Meier - Part 1
April 17, 2019: Rogue Planet (April 15, 2019): A Glance At The Billy Meier Evidence - Part 2
Apr. 28: Steve Harvey Talk Show (April 25, 2019): Michael Horn Talks About the Billy Meier Contacts
May 13: KCOR Digital Radio Network (Show #173, May 11, 2019): Interview with Michael Horn
July 29: 'On The Odd' (July 27, 2019) interviews Michael Horn: The Propheceis of Billy Meier
July 30: The Oddball Aussie Podcast (Episode 27-July 30, 2019): The Billy Meier Story
Sep. 10: End of Days (Episode 185, Sep. 9, 2019): The Billy Meier Prophecies, Alien Disclosure and UFO Community
Sep. 22: Spaced Out Radio (Sep. 19, 2019): Guest Michael Horn on the Billy Meier Story
Oct. 26: End of Days (Episode 191, Oct. 19, 2019): Guests Norio Hayakawa & Michael Horn
Dec. 30: End of Days (Dec. 25, 2019): Christmas Special Interview with Michael Horn
Dec. 31: The Midnight Hour (Ep. 31, Oct. 30, 2019): Host Steven Cambian debates Michael Horn
Jan. 2, 2020: The Midnight Hour (Ep. 32, Nov. 16, 2019): Kal Korff on Billy Meier case and More
Jan. 15: The Midnight Hour (Dec. 21, 2019): "Getting off the Billy Meier crazy train"
Mar. 6: The Michael Decon Program (Feb. 29, 2020): Michael Horn on Billy Meier's Coronovirus prediction
Apr. 2: Hysteria 51 (Ep. 181, Mar. 30, 2020): Billy Meier - UFO Profit or Petty Profiteer
Apr. 18: The Michael Decon Show (April 18, 2020): Michael Horn-Billy Meier Saga
May 16: The Infinite Fringe (Apr. 26, 2020): Interview with Michael Horn
July 23: IGOS Success Tech (Jul. 22, 2020): Review of Kal K. Korff's book - 'Spaceships Of The Pleiades'
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