Note: Page 1 of the above letter is the 5-page letter which was sent by Plejaren to USA. For the Plejaren letter to the USA, read here.
Plejarens response to Lee J. Elders Letter:
36. To these lines, I only have the following to say:
37. Quetzal has, in his proclamation to the Government of the United States of America, clearly represented the necessary facts and conditions, from which we are not willing to deviate in any way.
38. We cannot engage in any conditions of the Government of the United States of America or in any proposals other than ours in any form.
39. We alone choose the way of communication and the other connection, and any alterations or deviations from our given proclamation are not possible.
40. This means that we can in no way enter into the demands, wishes and proposals, as they are written here in this letter.
41. We are neither interested nor willing to stand in direct contact with human beings of Earth other than yourself, but we also have no interest in any visual contacts or voice contacts of a personal or indirectly personal nature.
42. And that certain things are even just too dangerous for us, I don't want to talk about at all.
43. On the other hand, in our overall form of leadership of the peoples, politics is foreign to us, so we will also never get involved on the Earth and with the earthly governments in such a form and connection.
44. Politics are only operated by human life forms who are still very foreign to the truth and who look at, consider, and handle all things in childish aspects.
45. We, however, have long been beyond such forms and will never get involved in them any more, neither in one form nor another.
46. So if we will help Earth humanity through connections with the governments, then that can only happen in the way that was unambiguously made clear by Quetzal in the proclamation.
47. A change, even if it would still be of absolute insignificance, can never be debatable, so the proclamation still retains its full range validity, including the one time limit specified by us.
48. We conduct no negotiations at all with any earthly governments because we are those who want to help without any compensation and without any demands of the human beings of Earth for our profit.
49. We are solely willing to offer assistance within a reasonable and responsible framework, without the human being of Earth owing us a wage because of that.
50. That's all I have to say to this letter, and you should submit that to your middleman.
Many thanks, girl. I will comply with your wish, let everything be translated into English, and then send it to America.
CR 122, Friday, April 6, 1979
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