Billy Meier Archives

Thursday, April 19, 2018

X-Zone Radio Show (Apr. 17, 2018): Guest Kal Korff recalls his debate with Jim Dilettoso on Art Bell Radio Show from March 18, 1998

This article from the archives of UFOUpdates sets this interview up perfectly.

March 16, 1998 - Redmond, Washington.

TotalResearch announced today that its' President and CEO,critically-acclaimed author and investigative journalist, Kal K. Korff, will debate Jim Dilettoso on the widely popular Art Bell "Coast to Coast" radio show on Tuesday, March 17th at 10:00PM Pacific Standard Time. The two will discuss the Billy Meier case and the Phoenix lights, and other issues. "I am honored that Mr. Art Bell has decided to sponsor a debate on his #1 rated overnight talk radio show. It is truly an honor and privilege to be invited, and Mr. Bell is to be congratulated for arranging this." "As many Americans know, the fakery and numerous, dubious claims of Mr. Dilettoso have been exposed in the media recently yet again, and this debate will present the greatest opportunity for everyone to ask both Mr. Dilettoso and myself the necessary, hard questions concerning our views on the Phoenix lights and the Billy Meier case. I am looking forward to it." The debate scheduled by Bell is the first between Kal Korff and Jim Dilettoso since March 10, 1996 when the two last debated on 21st Century Radio's Hieronimous & Co in Balitmore, Maryland. That debate, which Korff won easily by a wide margin, was originally scheduled to be a two part exchange, but Dilettoso refused to debate Korff again and has repeatedly turned down requests during the past two years. Not only has Dilettoso refused to debate Korff, but he has threatened to sue at least one radio station if Korff was ever a featured guest on radio station KFYI in Phoenix, Arizona. "Now that Jim's attempts to censor me from the radio have been exposed, and those letters have been posted on the internet into the public domain, the time has come for the both of us to confront each other and settle the issues once and for all. Art Bell's radio program is the best forum to do this on, both my publisher and several reporters from the major news, radio and print media will be listenting in."

Read: The Hack and The Quack (Phoenix New Times, March 5, 1998)

Listen: youtube

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