..covers the archives from 1970's about the most controversial Swiss UFO Contactee - 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier.
Billy Meier Archives
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
BMUFOR: Debunking Billy Meier's Energy Ship UFO Photos - Part 1/2
Billy Meier claims that, in 1979, he was visited by a race of
Extraterrestrials from the Andromeda galaxy. He described them as being a
race of dwarves whose body height amounts to just about 70 cms, and
their spaceships (at least two) as being made of fine-material or pure
energy hence the name Energieschiffe/Energy Ships (ES). He
also claimed that originally the shape of these ships looked similar to
bathtubs, which later kept changing into those forms (mimicking) that
resemble the surrounding lights – a passing by car’s headlight, Meier’s
flashlight headlight and also his yard lamps. Meier further stated that
sometimes these ships appeared very intense causing damage to several of
his films due to overexposure. Also, the sizes of these ships, Meier
notes, constantly changed between 5 meters and several hundred meters.1
As proof of this otherworldly visitation, Meier presented a total of
19 usable (not damaged from overexposure) photos, numbered #716 to #729 (1979) and #1003 to #1007 (1982) in his photo directory, depicting the ES purportedly flying near and over the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center (SSSC).2 In 2014, Michael Horn published two articles (in September and November) claiming that “Professor” Rhal Zahi
and Chris Lock (Z & L) have analyzed 8 photos of these ships and
proved them to be authentic Extraterrestrial craft. They published their
analysis in a 58-page pdf titled – The Energy Ships: An Investigative Analysis of Billy Meier’s Energy Ship UFO photos
(updated November edition). For our investigation, we have taken the
assistance of Simon Edwards, Graphic Artworker by trade and avid
photographer, to help us with the technical aspects of the analysis.
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