Billy Meier Archives

Saturday, August 1, 2015

BMUFOR - Billy Meier's Space and Time Travel Pictures - Overview and Implications


On our website, we have documented the investigation and analysis so far carried out by ourselves and others, concerning at least 57 of Meier’s pictures of which he, at one time or the other claimed and still claim to have photographed during his space and time travels supposedly undertaken in the years 1975 and 1978 respectively. In 1975, Meier allegedly made two journeys in space. One journey, referred to as his ‘Great Journey’ lasted 5 days between July 17 and July 22 (narrated in the Contact Reports 31, 32, 34 & 35) where he allegedly travelled to many planets, stars, galaxies and even to a parallel Universe. On his second journey that took place on December 3 (narrated in the Contact Report 39) lasting 2 days, he visited three planets that existed in a different dimension. In addition to the above trips, Meier on March 18, 1978 (narrated in the Contact Report 104), also allegedly made a time travel trip to an unspecified time into the future when the San Francisco city is destroyed by the long-predicted (by scientists) mega-earthquake.

According to the information from FIGU Special Bulletin 20 (2005), Meier allegedly made more than 1,378 pictures during his Great Journey, of which 1,336 were falsified by the MIB (Men In Black) and others, and only 42 among them, which the Plejaren ET Ptaah allegedly verified and authenticated in around the year 2001, are considered to be either genuine or almost genuine by virtue of slight falsifications. The falsified 1,336 pictures, Meier claims, have been destroyed by the Plejaren in the 1970’s. And 31 out of these 42 pictures have been published in 3rd edition Contact Report books – Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1 (2002) & Block 2 (2003).

So based on the information from the FSB 20 (2005) and also from the FIGU co-founder and Core Group member Guido Moosbrugger’s book Und sie fliegen doch! (1991/2001/2004/2012), Meier as of today considers 53 out of his at least 1,389 pictures from his space and time travels, to be either genuine or almost genuine pictures. And in our investigation, we have not only addressed pictures that Meier may or may not consider genuine today, but have also addressed 36 pictures from the above total of at least 53 (or 61?) which he, to this day, unequivocally contends to be either genuine or almost genuine.

For 'Overview and Implications', read more at: BMUFOR

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