Billy Meier Archives

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Fulfilled or not ? - 'Massive ocean inside Earth' & 'Temperature of the Earth's core' Predictions

Michael Horn, the authorized American media Representative of Billy Meier has published yet once again another so-called corroboration article - New Corroboration of Billy Meier’s Prophetically Accurate Scientific Information (Jan 6, 2014) - that allegedly proves Meier's claim of being in contact with ETs. He further said the following:

"Now of course the skeptics and debunkers will really have to work hard to tell us just how Meier “hoaxed” his advance knowledge of…so many things. He couldn’t just be – telling the truth about his 73-year-long contact with the Plejaren extraterrestrial human race, could he?"

Should one "really have to work hard" to tell that this corroboration claim is a bogus one ?
Absolutely not!

This alleged corroboration claim just like the previous ones which have been demonstrated on BMUFOR website and on this blog page, will be revealed below as nothing but pseduo-scientific claims.

Now let us analyze the claims made by Michael Horn. In his article, Michael Horn made two claims.
  1. Massive ocean discovered inside Earth
  2. Temperature of Earth's core is same as the surface of the Sun
1. Massive ocean discovered inside Earth

Michael writes the following in his article:

"A new article in NewScientist, titled Massive ‘ocean’ discovered towards Earth’s core, reports that a “reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has been discovered deep beneath the Earth’s surface.”
This “new discovery” apparently wasn’t so new to the Plejaren, as Ptaah mentions “enormous masses of water also located in the interior of the earth” in his discussion about numerous terrestrial matters with Billy Meier in the 540th Contact, on May 19, 2012…two years before this “new discovery”."

What does the June 12, 2014 NewScientist article say:

"A reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has been discovered deep beneath the Earth's surface. The finding could help explain where Earth's seas came from.
The water is hidden inside a blue rock called ringwoodite that lies 700 kilometres underground in the mantle, the layer of hot rock between Earth's surface and its core."

What does the Contact Report (CR) 540 say:

...Then, however, I have here one more question on account of the earth's magnetism, which for a long time already, should become increasingly weaker. Can you tell me the reason for this?
..And since the Earth's magnetism is not equally strong everywhere on the planet and magnetism-fluctuations appear, that can have negative consequences in many connections...A disturbing influence takes place, e.g., with regard to the movements of the earths petroleum lakes located in the interior of the planet, as enormous masses of water also located in the interior of the earth, will however move in equal measure, which would bedeck the whole earth kilometers-high, would they penetrate to the outside...

Objection #1:
 In CR 540, ET Ptaah just says "enormous masses of water" but he didn't specify how many times the quantity of earth oceans (NewScientist says 3 times) is present inside the Earth. Also he didn't specify the region, the distance from the Earth's surface where this "ocean" region (NewScientist says around 700 kms in Mantle layer) is located. Remember, the radius of the Earth is 6,371 km (3,959 miles)So objectively speaking, Meier's information in CR 540 is pretty vague and nowhere does it reveal any specific, unambiguous information (strong enough to prove Meier's claims), as was published in the NewScientist article.

Objection #2:
Even if we grant some weight to Michael's claim of corroboration, none other than Billy Meier/FIGU "debunks" Michael Horn's claims. How?

In Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 6, page 50, a newspaper article - Viel Wasser im Erdmantel (A lot of water in the Earth’s mantle) - originally published in Tages-Anzeiger, Zürich, Tuesday, June 10, 2003 was presented.

The article reads as follows:
"The Earth’s mantle isn’t dry as previously assumed, but may also contain large amounts of water in deeper layers. ETH-researchers of the Institute of Geophysics found corresponding evidence ("Science", Vol. 300, pg. 1556). Their new measurement data supports the theory that at a depth of 410 kilometers water molecules are incorporated into the mineral layers. Until then the consensus was that this was only the case in the upper layers of the Earth’s mantle. If their assumptions are confirmed, according to the researchers, a water reservoir twice as large as the oceans
would be stored. This finding is useful for geologists: they can draw conclusions about underground movements throughout history." 

This 2003 article clearly refutes Michael's claim of corroboration of CR 540, 2012 information by using the 2014 article as evidence. 

Objection #3:
The above Tages-Anzeiger article was actually presented as a corroboration for Meier's information from Contact Report 230 (PPKB 6, pg. 50; translation of the excerpts not yet available on FOM):

...And as you explained, water is not only stored in the upper Earth’s layers, but even hundreds of kilometres deep within the Earths mantle within certain rock layers etc., and in such large amounts that it exceeds the mass of all the water on the Earth’s surface.
434. That is of correctness.

Information in this CR 230 is far more specific relative to the CR 540 which Michael uses as source for his claims. In CR 230 we have Meier at least pointing out the layer (Mantle) in which this large amount of water would be present and also vaguely the quantity (exceeds the water on Earth's surface), though he didn't specify the region (in kms) from the surface of the Earth where this water would be.

Can Michael now use CR 230 instead of CR 540 as source for his corroboration claims ?

No, because CR 230 was for the first time published in Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 6 in 2005 and the Tages-Anzeiger article was from 2003.

Objection #4:
Even though this information was published for the first time in year 2005 in PPKB 6, let us for a moment, consider the year 1989 (CR 230) - the alleged year in which Meier & ET Quetzal shared this information - as the baseline for our analysis.

Is Meier the first person to suggest that the masses of water are inside Earth's mantle ?

As this 1987 science paper - β-MgrSiOo: A potential host for water in the mantle? - clearly indicates in its title. It even goes back to the year 1975.

The following excerpt is from this paper:

"Alternatively, various estimates based on planetary accretion models and geochemical mass-balance observations suggest a bulk amount of water in the entire mantle of between three and six ocean masses 21, 22.

21 Ringwood, A. Composition and Structure of the Earth’s Mantle (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975)
22 Ahrens, T. Water storage in the mantle. Nature 342, 122–123 (1989) 

2. Temperature of Earth's core is same as the surface of the Sun

Michael Horn writes the following in his article:

"While we’re at it, an article on the Huffington Post explores the fact that the Earth’s core is as hot as the surface of the sun, as was originally reported in the magazine, Science. Not unexpectedly, Billy Meier already published the essential facts, as Ptaah presented them to him by, in 1986:

53. The Earth’s core, thus the center of the Earth, is not simply a solid mass, as is erroneously supposed by the earthly scientists; rather, it is a core that is similar to what the Sun is in its entirety."

What does the 2013 The Atlantic article say:

"A new study in Science suggests that the temperature of our planet's core is much, much hotter than previously thought -- 6,000 degrees Kelvin, compared with earlier estimations that were closer to 5,000 degrees Kelvin. This temperature, blazing hot to a degree beyond comprehension, is the same as that of the surface of the sun."

I don't know how Michael connected the verse 53 from Contact Report 212 (1986) to the 2013 article as the verse 53 nowhere suggests anything about temperature, not to say the temperature of Earth's inner core and the surface of Sun as being equal. It just says that the Earth's core is similar to the Sun, which is once again very vague in its description. What features of the Sun and Earth's core are being referred to by Quetzal ? Pressure, density, composition, luminosity, temperature, etc ?

In fact in the next verse after verse 53, Meier clears this ambiguity as follows, which for some reason was ignored by Michael:

53. The Earth’s core, thus the center of the Earth, is not simply a solid mass, as is erroneously supposed by the earthly scientists; rather, it is a core that is similar to what the Sun is in its entirety.
So it’s a bubbling, nuclear furnace.
54. That is a good comparison.

So both Meier and Quetzal seems to suggest that the nuclear processes that happen in the Earth's core are similar to those that happen in Sun. In Sun, nuclear fusion takes place.

From Wikipedia:

"In nuclear physics, nuclear fusion is a is a nuclear reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei collide at a very high speed and join to form a new type of atomic nucleus. During this process, matter is not conserved because some of the matter of the fusing nuclei is converted to photons (energy). Fusion is the process that powers active or "main sequence" stars."

According to mainstream science, Earth's core is primarily not a nuclear reactor. Following is an answer to a similar question - Does nuclear fusion go on at the earth's core? - asked on Yahoo Answers:

"The answer is no.

Two reasons:
1. It is not hot enough
2. The elemental components are not right.

Fusion is the combination of lighter elements to produce a heavier element. In doing so it releases energy. This is how stars work. As the atomic number increases the amount of energy released becomes smaller, until you get to iron. After this point you have to add energy to fuse to elements together. The core of the Earth is made up of heavy elements that will not fuse. However some of these elements are unstable and will undergo fission; atomic number becomes smaller. It is the
decay of these elements that keeps the interior of the Earth warm."

Nuclear fusion is one of the main reasons that differentiates a planet (Earth) from a star (Sun). Following is an excerpt from this link:

"If an object has a mass of 0.084 times the mass of our own sun (85 times the mass of Jupiter) the core reaches a point where it can start the process of nuclear fusion in its core (see fig.1). If the mass is smaller than this, the lowest temperature to support nuclear fusion will never be reached and the object will never shine like a star."


Let me once again quote what Michael said in his article:

"Now of course the skeptics and debunkers will really have to work hard to tell us just how Meier “hoaxed” his advance knowledge of…so many things. He couldn’t just be – telling the truth about his 73-year-long contact with the Plejaren extraterrestrial human race, could he?"

We have shown that Michael Horn’s extravagant claims are largely based on wishful thinking, unproven presuppositions and ignorance of even the FIGU material itself, rather then objectivity, critical thinking and decent research. He doesn't seem to realize these articles and claims do not at all add to the credibility of the case, but rather give the impression of propaganda fueled by blind belief, at least to anyone who spends even a few minutes to check any of his claims.

1 comment:

  1. You should update these as nuclear fusion is indeed present at the earths core by current scientific understanding.
