Billy Meier Archives

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

IUFOC co-founder on the Billy Meier Case in USA: AMMACH in America(March 19, 2013)

Watch: Youtube/Mahigitam
Related VideoWhy Ufologists & UFO Groups are against the Billy Meier Case 

IUFOC - The International UFO Congress
The IUFOC was established in 1991 and hosts the largest annual conference on UFOs and related phenomena in the United States.
AMMACH - Anamalous Mind Management Abductee Contactee Helpline

Ammach in America Bob Dean & Bob Brown


  1. Exclusivity... is the reason he states that ufologists, etc. do not support the Meier case.

    Thank you for the posting of this interview on youtube.

  2. They can't let Meier into their world of blurry photographs and nothing , when Meier has taken trips all over the galaxy with his friends . He doesn't need you treehouse types any more than the ocean needs a cup of dirty water .

  3. Exclusivity...or money? There is no money in Meier case, only disbelief and controversy; while the other cases are money churner by painting false dreamy picture of reality. They could not create money out of the giganormous controversy that Meier's Plejaren create by denouncing virtually every politician or religious leaders, and these systems in general.
