Billy Meier Archives

Thursday, May 27, 2021

WABC Radio (May 26, 2021): Interviews Michael Horn

New York City radio host gets the truth about singularly authentic Billy Meier UFO contacts; the most accurate COVID info coming from the Plejaren extraterrestrials. Also the phony Pentagon "UFO disclosure", and the “threat” disinformation spread by Lue Elizondo, which will likely result in a push for more new weapons and war with Russia & China. 

Watch: youtube

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Innovation Group Channel (May 21, 2021): 'Mathematician Phil Langdon replicates Billy Meier's alien spacecrafts'

British mathematician and UFO researcher shares with the Innovation Group Channel his mind-bending story on how he found the way to replicate the most famous UFO sightings in history.  For the first time we invite him to our channel to tell us how he did it.

Watch: youtube