Billy Meier Archives

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Indepth Exposé of Billy Meier by his Ex-Wife Kalliope and Son Methusalem: Documented by Ex-FIGU member Daniel Gloor

Daniel Gloor is an ex-FIGU passive member from Switzerland who at first was positive towards the case, despite some objections towards the Geisteslehre (spiritual teachings), but later developed doubts and eventually rejected the case, although he thinks there may still be a grain of truth in it.

He came into contact with several ex-FIGU members and acquaintances, most importantly Billy Meier’s ex-wife Kalliope and his youngest son Methusalem, whom he interviewed extensively between the years 2017 and 2020.

After years of research and interviews this resulted in the 500+ page e-book ‘Der Vater’ (The father) which mainly contains transcripts of the interviews with Methusalem and Kalliope. It can be downloaded here, this may take a while because of the PDF’s various attachments and the included audio and video, resulting in a huge file size. The book is in German, however an English introduction by the author can be read here.

Source: BMUFOR/Daniel Gloor

Friday, December 4, 2020

Conspiracy Truth Finders (Dec. 3, 2020): 'Debunking Billy Meier UFO Cult' with Bob Kiviat

Author, Kal Korff, the man primarily responsible for revealing the hoax of Billy Meier's UFO's, gives the insider's perspective to his research, findings and investigation about the Billy Meier UFO Cult in Switzerland.  And follow along as Bob and Kal discuss tracking QAnon and what they've discovered.


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Conspiracy Unlimited (Ep. 493, Dec. 1, 2020): 'The Billy Meier Story'

'Richard speaks with an author and documentary filmmaker about Swiss UFO/ET contactee Billy Meier.'

Listen: conspiracyunlimited

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Zurich University of the Arts (Nov. 25, 2020): 'Night watch in the realm of Extraterrestrials'

"44 years ago Christian Frehner came to Hinterschmidrüti in the Zurich Oberland, where it was increased UFO sightings. Soon he was under Billy's wing E. Meier, who should be in contact with extraterrestrials. The wisdom he learned from the Plejaren had learned from the DAL universe, but not only attracted like-minded people. in the Over the years there were allegedly 23 attacks on Meier's life. As an active member in Meier's club is therefore one of Christian Frehener's duty to keep a night watch, to protect him from alien apostates and other groups." - 
rough google translation

Watch: youtube

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

DProgrammed Podcast (Ep. 13, Sep. 15, 2020): 'Flying Monkeys: UFO Sex Cult Sends Them After The Podcast'

I'm talking about the reaction by some of the Billy Meier UFO cult supporters to my interview with Kal Korff. Hint hint, it's probably one person pretending to be a bunch of people with multiple accounts. Maybe a few actual other real people.

Listen: youtube

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Nature of Reality Radio (Sep. 13, 2020): 'The Prophesies Of Billy Meier, Among Other Things'

My guest on the September 11, 2020 edition of Nature Of Reality Radio is Muchael Horn who is the de facto number 1 spokesperson for Swiss ET contactee Billy Meier. Michael Horn has over 40 years of experience as a science researcher. In 1986, Michael found previously unknown warnings about manmade climate change and global warming, also foretelling increased frequency and intensity of all forms of storms, blizzards, tsunamis, etc. The warnings, which were in the information he found in 1979, were originally published, beginning in 1951, by a Swiss man named Billy Meier. Meier also first warned about the damage to the ozone layer from A-bomb explosions, and about the connection between the extraction of petroleum and earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, all of which were subsequently scientifically corroborated.

Listen: youtube

Saturday, September 12, 2020

DProgrammed Podcast (Ep. 12, Sep. 12, 2020) - 'UFO Sex Cults: How Kal Korff went undercover To Expose The Billy Meier Cult'

Kal Korff joins the podcast today to talk all about his undercover investigation on The Billy Meier UFO Sex Cult. Kal has a long standing and diverse career as a journalist, broadcaster, author, analyst, researcher, lecturer and counter terrorist specialist amongst many other aspects. For more information on Kal please visit his website here:

Listen: youtube

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Contact in the Desert (May 2019): The Billy Meier UFO Case

Filmed by an attendee at the May 2019 Contact in the Desert event, where Michael Horn exposed the phonies and frauds in UFOlogy, most of whom are now on a well-deserved fast track to oblivion. Having badly misled the - unfortunately very gullible - public for so long, the profit-hungry charlatans, phonies, frauds and liars did as much damage as the government in suppressing the singularly authentic Billy Meier UFO contacts. While many are still under the illusion that there'll be a new round of events in 2021 at which they can spew their nonsense, most likely the very long lasting COVID pandemic will, in a rare act of mercy, at least prevent that disease from spreading.

Watch: youtube

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

IGOS Success Tech (July 24 & 28, 2020) : Famous UFO Contactee Billy Meier Is Alive & Well! Is he for real?

This amazing case has been going on for over 50 years! Is it a  real contact case or a fraud? It is all covered here. GET THE SHOCKING FACTS!

Listen: Part 1 and Part 2

Friday, July 24, 2020

The Malliard Report (Mar. & Jul. 2020): Interviews with Michael Horn

Michael Horn joins Jim on this episode to discuss Michael’s research into Billy Meier, UFO contact, and the warnings they bring with them.

Listen: March and July

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Typical Skeptic (Mar. 24 & Jun. 24, 2020): Interviews with Michael Horn

March 24: I spoke with longtime ET contact Billy Meier's representative Michael Horn about Ufology, Coronavirus, fake pleadians, and the creator of the universe. 

June 24: Michael Horn talks about ET Contact Billy Meier's prophecies, warnings to humanity that Coronavirus is worse than thought, and potential civil wars. Michael Horn is the media representative for Et Contact Billy Meier from Switzerland who has had amazing extraterrestrial contacts. The Meier Contacts are the only scientificly proven still ongoing contacts with a human extraterrestrial race now spanning more than 75 years. Meier's evidence includes 1200 photos and videos, metal samples and more.

Watch: March 24 and June 24

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Infinite Fringe (Apr. 26, 2020): Interview with Michael Horn

Michael Horn Joins the Fringe to give us a 101 on Billy Meier. A UFO, Alien contactee who claims to be in contact with Aliens since he was 5 years old. Mr Horn is the official USA representative for Billy.We briefly touch on the Meier prophecies but we do discuss the highly controversial pictures of UFO's taken by Billy.Do your own research as usual. This is a fun one if you are into all things UFOs.

Listen: podbean

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Beyond Reality Paranormal Podcast (Apr. 17, 2020): Interview with Michael Horn

Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for Billy Meier's infamous story of ET contact & UFO sightings. Complete with frequent personal contact & photographic evidence, this story is both the most revered story among the UFO community & the most controversial. Michael shares not only the experiences themselves, but the prophetic messages that Billy received through his ET contacts. 

Books - 
Host - JV JOHNSON - 
Support - 

Find the PODCAST on all major podcast platforms

Watch: youtube

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Hysteria 51 (Ep. 181, Mar. 30, 2020): Billy Meier - UFO Profit or Petty Profiteer

“Eduard Albert Meier, commonly nicknamed “Billy” is the founder of a UFO religion called the “Freie Interessengemeinschaft für Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien” (Free Community of Interests for the Border and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies) and alleged contactee whose UFO photographs are claimed to show alien spacecraft.” AND THAT’S JUST THE FIRST SENTENCE OF WIKIPEDIA. Needless to say we have fun with this one. Plus, Joe Peck is somehow back again, Kyle has developed an unhealthy relationship with Alexa, and Joe Peck is somehow back again (did we mention that)? All of that and more on the podcast that’s never met a Plejaren and had no idea Jesus was an alien – Hysteria 51.

Special thanks to this week’s research sources:
Research Assistant – Raymond Walden IV

Spaceships Of The Pleiades: The Billy Meier Story | Kal K. Korff
And Still They Fly! | Guido Moosbrugger
The Failed Prophet Billy Meier | Maurice Osborn
UFO Sightings: The Evidence | Robert Sheaffer
UFO Contact from the Pleiades: A Preliminary Investigation Report | Wendelle C. Stevens
UFO Contact from the Pleiades: A Supplementary Investigation Report | Wendelle C. Stevens

The Henoch Prophecies Part 1 –
The Henoch Prophecies Part 2 –
UFO Sightings in Switzerland –

Billy Meier –
Billy Meier UFO Research
Billy Meier Website –
Future Of Mankind –

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Michael Decon Program (Feb. 29, 2020): Michael Horn on Billy Meier's Coronovirus prediction

Michael welcomed Michael Horn, the authorized American media representative for reclusive Swiss UFO contactee Billy Meier. The Billy Meier case has been shrouded in controversy since the story first surfaced. From 1975 until August 19, 2003, there have been 632 personal and 748 telepathic contacts with Pleiadian/Plejaran extraterrestrials and members of their Federation. Michael Horn discussed the latest message from the alien race the “Plejaren”.

Listen: youtube

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

BMUFOR (Feb. 4, 2020): Did Billy Meier predict the Wuhan-Coronavirus outbreak in 1995?

Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that have a halo, or crown-like (corona) appearance when viewed under an electron microscope.

In the article – Corona Virus Epidemic Predicted in 1995…by Billy Meier – published by Michael Horn on Jan, 25, 2020, he claims that Billy Meier had predicted the current 2019–20 Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak way back in 1995, 25 years before the event occurred.

Michael cites the following verse from Contact Report (CR) 251, a record of the conversation that supposedly happened between Billy and the Plejaren extraterrestrial Ptaah on February 3, 1995:
A lung disease will also break out in humans through the guilt of China, where bioweapons are being researched and a carelessness is releasing pathogens.

 Did Billy Meier predict the Wuhan-Coronavirus outbreak in 1995?

Find the TRUTH here: BMUFOR

p.s.: Whatever the truth may be, we wish Billy Meier a happy birthday who just turned 83 yesterday i.e. on Feb. 3, 2020!! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Midnight Hour (Dec. 21, 2019): "Getting off the Billy Meier crazy train"


Join Steven Cambian for an inside look at what happened when Michael Horn (Billy Meier's US media representative) weaseled out of a planned and scheduled debate with Kal Korff for the third time. Hear about how Steven Cambian is happy to finally be getting off the Billy Meier crazy train! 

CORRECTION : In the beginning of this I mention an interview, the interview was cut to explain all of this in full detail. That interview I mentioned is still coming up. No guests this episode, just me.

Watch: youtube

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Age of Truth TV (Dec. 5, 2019): "Real or Fake UFO's? & The Controversial Story of BILLY MEIER" - Interview with Michael Horn

We enter 2020 with an explosive, intense, dynamic and fascinating interview-conversation with UFO Researcher, Author, Lecturer, Documentary Filmmaker and the English-speaking representative for the controversial reclusive Swiss UFO photographer and Alien contactee - BILLY MEIER! 

Michael Horn is interviewed by AOT TV´s Lucas Alexander in this compelling and controversial edition of Age Of Truth TV. 

IS BILLY MEIER A FRAUD OR IS HE REAL? Who is Billy Meier really, and if his extraordinary story and photographic evidence is real, how come HE WAS CHOSEN to predict prophecies of world events and disasters to come, told by his alien contacts from the Pleiadian Star System? Why was Billy Meier "allowed" to take all these numerous photographs of UFO crafts? Is he in fact linked to the deep-state military - or the New World Order power-elite? 

Michael Horn is calling the Billy Meier case, the ONLY authentic UFO case with real evidence! He has spent 40 year researching the Billy Meier case, and become very controversial in the field of UFOlogy and amongst researchers into Alien, E.T. existence on planet Earth and all over the universe. 

Michael Horn claims that Billy Meier, through his E.T. contacts have given warnings about man-made Climate Change as early as 1951, and many times thereafter, and he claims that Climate Change is very much man-made. This is leading the conversation into an interesting area, discussing The Club of Rome, New World Order plans and U.N. Agenda 21 and much more. 

In 2004, after 25 years of research into Meier's information, Michael Horn became the voluntary Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts. Michael gives national and international multi-media presentations, university lectures, interviews, etc., and makes frequent media appearances representing the Meier contacts .... 


- Did Billy Meier take all the numerous photographs of REAL UFO´s from elsewhere in the universe, Alien crafts, or could they be man-made advanced military technology? 
- Is Billy Meier a TRUE Alien contactee, and a chosen prophet, or is he part of a military cover-up, promoting a secret New World Order agenda plan? 
- Is Climate Change really man-made, or is there an agenda behind the massive media propaganda about Global Warming, through f.ex. Greta Thunberg. 
- U.N. Agenda 21 
- New World Order 
- The DARK ORDER (aka. Illuminati) 
- The Club Of Rome 
- Prophecies from Billy Meier about world catastrophes. 
- UFO researchers/ UFO community vs. Billy Meier and Michael Horn. 
- 5G roll-out and the danger of electromagnetic radiation and frequencies. 
- REINCARNATION! Is it a soul-trap? 

......all this and much much more when AGE OF TRUTH TV presenter and investigative reporter, Lucas Alexander is interviewing Michael Horn in this hard-talk explosive 2 hour 22 min. show. 

Filmed on December 5, 2019 at the Age Of Truth TV studios in Copenhagen, Denmark, and via ZOOM to Flagstaff Arizona, USA.

Watch: youtube

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Midnight Hour (Ep. 32, Nov. 16, 2019): Kal Korff on Billy Meier case and More

Join Steven Cambian as he interviews author, journalist and researcher Kal Korff. On this episode, we learn about Kal's incredible undercover work inside the Billy Meier UFO cult,and his efforts to expose Billy Meier's cosmic con. We also hear about some of Kal Korff's research into techno scams and profiteering authors selling lies.

Listen: youtube