Billy Meier Archives

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Indepth Exposé of Billy Meier by his Ex-Wife Kalliope and Son Methusalem: Documented by Ex-FIGU member Daniel Gloor

Daniel Gloor is an ex-FIGU passive member from Switzerland who at first was positive towards the case, despite some objections towards the Geisteslehre (spiritual teachings), but later developed doubts and eventually rejected the case, although he thinks there may still be a grain of truth in it.

He came into contact with several ex-FIGU members and acquaintances, most importantly Billy Meier’s ex-wife Kalliope and his youngest son Methusalem, whom he interviewed extensively between the years 2017 and 2020.

After years of research and interviews this resulted in the 500+ page e-book ‘Der Vater’ (The father) which mainly contains transcripts of the interviews with Methusalem and Kalliope. It can be downloaded here, this may take a while because of the PDF’s various attachments and the included audio and video, resulting in a huge file size. The book is in German, however an English introduction by the author can be read here.

Source: BMUFOR/Daniel Gloor

Friday, December 4, 2020

Conspiracy Truth Finders (Dec. 3, 2020): 'Debunking Billy Meier UFO Cult' with Bob Kiviat

Author, Kal Korff, the man primarily responsible for revealing the hoax of Billy Meier's UFO's, gives the insider's perspective to his research, findings and investigation about the Billy Meier UFO Cult in Switzerland.  And follow along as Bob and Kal discuss tracking QAnon and what they've discovered.


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Conspiracy Unlimited (Ep. 493, Dec. 1, 2020): 'The Billy Meier Story'

'Richard speaks with an author and documentary filmmaker about Swiss UFO/ET contactee Billy Meier.'

Listen: conspiracyunlimited