Billy Meier Archives

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Typical Skeptic (Mar. 24 & Jun. 24, 2020): Interviews with Michael Horn

March 24: I spoke with longtime ET contact Billy Meier's representative Michael Horn about Ufology, Coronavirus, fake pleadians, and the creator of the universe. 

June 24: Michael Horn talks about ET Contact Billy Meier's prophecies, warnings to humanity that Coronavirus is worse than thought, and potential civil wars. Michael Horn is the media representative for Et Contact Billy Meier from Switzerland who has had amazing extraterrestrial contacts. The Meier Contacts are the only scientificly proven still ongoing contacts with a human extraterrestrial race now spanning more than 75 years. Meier's evidence includes 1200 photos and videos, metal samples and more.

Watch: March 24 and June 24