Billy Meier Archives

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Voices From Afar (December 20, 2016): Interview with Michael Horn

The Voices From Afar crew listened and agreed with so very much of what Michael had to say, but when it came to he believing what we knew about our world and experiences, the discussion may have been called heated. It was actually a great debate and exchange of ideas. It’s just that the guest was not as open minded as the rest of us, and claimed to be.. 

Listen: Truth frequency radio

Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Total Novice’s Guide To UFOs: What You Need To Know (2010/2015)

Check below link for a chapter dedicated to Meier case.

Read: drive/ufoprophet
Purchase book here: amazon

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

BMUFOR: Beamship Monitor Device - Obscuring knobs and the Truth

During Meier’s Great Journey in space described in Contact Report 31, which took place from July 17-22, 1975, among several hundreds of images he photographed, he published a photo (see below) of an extraterrestrial monitor (display) device present in one of the Plejaren's beamship. The image of this alleged extraterrestrial monitor was shown to Swiss writer, publicist, and journalist Luc Bürgin by Meier's former FIGU group member, Herbert Runkel which he apparently cited during his lectures up to 1980's (until he left the group) as an authentic "extraterrestrial instrument on the inside of a spaceship".

A monitor in the Plejaren beamship; source: Billy Meier

Is this image really showing an extraterrestrial instrument onboard Pleajren beamship?

For answer, visit: BMUFOR

Sunday, December 11, 2016

ARCHIVES Project: Guido Moosbrugger's talk in Los Angeles - June 12, 1993

circa May 2013

Transcript of Guido Moosbrugger's talk (with Michael Hesemann as translator) given at The Los Angeles UFO Expo held at The Los Angeles Hilton (Airport), USA on June 12, 1993.

Download: googledrive/ufoprophet

Note: As a part of ARCHIVES project, all material donated to me would be made available public so that every person can study or research themselves. So, contact me if you want share any Meier-related stuff with the world.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

ARCHIVES Project: Guido Moosbrugger's talks in Las Vegas - December 13 & 15, 1991

Transcripts of Guido Moosbrugger's talks given in Las Vegas on December 13 and 15, 1991. Topics of conversation include:

December 13:

Asthar Sheran
Law of 7
7 Levels in Material world
Human evolution stages and periods
7 Belts of the Universe
7 Spaces

December 15:

Tunguska Explosion
Time Travel
ETs beamship propulsion systems

Download: PDF
Note: As a part of ARCHIVES project, all material donated to me would be made available public so that every person can study or research themselves. So, contact me if you want share any Meier-related stuff with the world.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

BMUFOR: Billy Meier's Epic of Gilgamesha - Predicting the Future but Forgetting the Past

Another instance of Meier failing to keep up with his own tall tales

left: Gilgamesha is seen in red shirt, December 1974; right: Gilgamesha with her dog, circa 2015

Did Meier/Plejaren, in December 1979, predict the serious car accident his daughter Gilgamesha has met with almost 12 years later in August 1991?

To find the answer, visit BMUFOR.